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Caleb arrived in Ghana at exactly 5 p.m. His flight delayed a bit so he called Kay earlier to inform him that he would be in Ghana a few hours later than the initial arrival time, 2 p.m. 

He was supposed to go straight to Kumasi to deal with a very important case but his friend needed him so he decided to spare him some of his time. Kay was a good friend. They had been best friends for as long as he could remember and Kay had helped him in many ways. He knew how much Chorale meant to him and he was determined to help him find her. He called him to inform him of his arrival.

“Hey, Kay!” he greeted.

A very sleepy Kay responded, “Hello, Caleb. Are you here already?”

"I am, but you better be here to pick me up soon before some girl kidnaps me to her house. You should see me, Kay. Damn! I look like a snack!”

“Ha. You wish! I’ll be there in ten” Kay got dressed quickly and grabbed his keys. In less than ten minutes, he was at the airport.

It was easy to spot Caleb. He was in one of his signature black baseball caps and sunglasses. And because of his tall height and lean frame, he could make him out easily.

Instead of calling out to him, he just stood a few meters away and watched him amusingly. Caleb had not changed one bit. From when they were teenagers till now, Caleb had always been the flirty one. He never settled with any woman and just liked to have fun. He had never dated seriously before and anytime Kay brought up the issue, he’d always say it's because he hadn’t found the right one.

So many times, because of his flirty behavior and sweet talk, most of the ladies he slept with, thought he actually liked them and wanted something serious.

One time, Kay had to intervene and save his ass because some girls wanted to kill each other over him. He was still in Ghana by then. He called Kay, who was at work by then.

“Kay, I need your help. Come to my house right now.”

Kay, thinking his friend was in danger, quickly left work. The sight that greeted his eyes, when he entered the room was so appalling yet funny.

There, was an almost naked Caleb, except for his briefs, trying to separate a fight between two ladies who looked like they wanted to bite off each other’s heads. One of the ladies was fully clothed while the other was almost as naked as Caleb, wearing a bra and pantie.

No interpretation was needed, for Kay already guessed what had happened prior to his arrival. He walked towards the scene of the fight and cleared his throat, getting the ladies attention and they stopped fighting. Caleb looked at him and mouthed a ‘thank you’ but earned a death glare as response.

“Can I have a word with you, ladies, please?” he asked, motioning for them to come and sit with him in one of the sofas. They complied, but not without glaring at each other. Once they were seated, he started the talk.

He told them how Caleb had always been talking about both of them, and how much he loved both of them and how that fact confused him a lot. He went on to lie about how Caleb always had sleepless nights, pondering and wondering what to do about it. How Caleb would always call him and beg him to help him deal with the issue. Then he continued with the ‘it’s-not-you-it’s-him’ talk.

Caleb just stood in the corner, laughing silently sometimes when Kay looked his way, and looking pitiful when any of the ladies glanced at him. Then, Kay told them that Caleb was in a state of confusion and he needed therapy and so the ladies should go on ahead with their lives. Just as Kay said that, Caleb faked a sob and came to hug the ladies who also looked like they would cry any moment.

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