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Chorale was weak. She had bruises and cuts all over her body, from the many beatings Alvin had subjected her to.

Last night, after she had finished her food, he tried to kiss her again and when she refused, he beat her severely. She cried and screamed in pain but he wouldn't stop. He used a knife to cut holes in the dress she was wearing till it was reduced to pieces and only her underwear and her bra were left. He looked at her lusciously and licked his lip. Then his eyes went to her stomach and his expression changed to anger. He pushed her down unto the floor and tried to take off her underwear. He was behaving like a psychopath. Despite being weak, she gathered enough strength to kick him in the balls. He winced in pain, holding the area. He took out his pocket knife and gave her a cut on her thighs and she let out an agonizing cry. He looked at her with so much contempt before he pushed her back into the cage.

"We'll continue tomorrow" he smiled wickedly and left, locking the door behind him.

She kept crying and crying. She regretted coming to Mexico. Now, all the people she knew were in danger because of her mistake. If only she had stayed back and thought of another way to handle the situation or maybe just found another place to go to, then all these wouldn't be happening. If Kay was here, he wouldn't allow all this to happen to her. She had missed him so much and it made her cry the more till she was too weak and drifted off to sleep in the corner of the cage.

This morning, she woke up with a severe headache and her eyes were red and swollen. Her whole body hurt and her throat was dry. She opened her eyes to see Alvin standing over the metal cage and looking at her in a sensual way. She looked down at her body and saw that her breasts had come out of the bra. She quickly pushed them inside. There was a stinging pain on her thigh. She looked down to see a long cut with blood dried around it, where he had cut yesterday. She winced as she tried to move her legs. Alvin took out the key and opened for her to come out. When she stepped out, he encased her in a hug but her belly was getting in the way.

"Oh my Chorale," he stepped aside looking, roaming his eyes all over her body, "It could've been my baby in there. But you're too stubborn. Now see what you're compelling me to do to your beautiful body. Today," he went closer to her, touching her belly, "we'll make another baby," he laughed and Chorale just stood there crying. "Please don't do this to me, Alvin" she begged.

He looked confused for a moment, "But why? Did you tell Kay the same thing when he was screwing you?" he frowned.

When Chorale didn't say anything, he went on talking, "Don't be mean, Chorale. You'll have fun, I promise. But I'll leave you to eat first. You need the energy" he laughed and then headed to the door. He stopped and frowned, "Angelo hasn't reported to work yet. He should be here in less than an hour and then he'll bring you some food." He was about stepping out when he remembered that he hadn't locked her back in the cage so he quickly pushed her back inside and locked it. "I'll be back" he smiled and left.

Her head was spinning and she was dizzy. She held her head in her palm and cried. She couldn't let Alvin have sex with her. No way. Any time she thought of intimacy, her thoughts were only of one man: her first, and her last. She knew he had another woman now, but she wouldn't give herself to this creep. She had to do something and very fast too.

She looked at her belly and her tears became louder, "I'm so sorry, baby, for putting us through all this. I'm sorry. I promise, I won't let anyone hurt you, okay" she was rubbing her belly, "You're all I have now"

About forty minutes later, the door creaked open and Caleb stepped in, dressed in similar clothes like he had worn yesterday. He carried a tray of food and knelt down in front of the cage. He took in her features and his heart ached; the cuts and bruises on her body and the dried blood. His face hardened but his eyes moved to her belly and he smiled,

"We'll get you out of here today, okay" he assured her. They heard footsteps and Caleb stood up quickly and headed out of the room. As soon as he left, Alvin stepped in. "Eat your food now." She pulled the tray into the cage from the small space under it and started eating while he stood, watching her.

"You're not being corporative Chorale. I'm finding it hard to let your friends go" The image of Carmen crying while a gun had been pointed at her head flashed through Chorale's mind and she immediately lost appetite. Tears blurred her vision as she held unto the bars of the cage, Alvin, please let them go," she cried. "Please, I beg you"

"Finish your food first and then we'll talk about that," he said, shoving his hands into his pocket.

She pushed the tray out of the cage, "I'm not hungry anymore"

He pushed it back into the cage with his foot, "I said, eat. Now" he ordered and she started eating, crying while she did. A knock sounded at the door and he went to open it. It was Caleb.

"Sir, we're out of groceries. I want to go and get some now" his thick Mexican accent not going unnoticed by Chorale.

Alvin took some money out of his pocket and gave to Caleb. "Be back early." He warned.

"Yes sir" Caleb said, looking at her once again before he left.

CHORALE SANDERSWhere stories live. Discover now