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Margarita paid attention to everything that she had to say, interrupting only when necessary. She told her everything she could.

She told her that the day she had found out she was pregnant, she wasn’t exactly surprised. She was just confused. She knew this was going to happen some day. Every time she and Kay made love, they had always been very careful, he had always used protection. That night however, things happened too fast.

After dinner, he entered the study to finish up some work he had brought from the office. He had always liked to work in his study because he said whenever he was around her, he couldn’t seem to concentrate. She entered the room, wearing a very light see-through nightwear and her nipples were showing through: that was his weakness. She had only meant to come in to give him some water because she heard him coughing, from their bedroom.

She heard him suck in a breath when she entered but she didn’t make much out of it. She placed the water on the table for him and turned around to leave when he caught her by the hand and dragged her back with such a force she fell into his laps. She laughed because she thought it was just him trying to be playful. She did not realize the effect she was having on him. He turned her round so that her legs were on either side of him.

When she faced him, he smiled with a glint of mischief then he leaned down and started kissing her neck, causing low moans to escape her mouth. Her nipples stood firmer and harder in the dress, and she knew he could feel them against his chest. His lips were wet and cold against her skin and she could feel her skin tingle under his touch. He kissed upwards from her neck to her lips, and her breath hitched in her throat as he slid his tongue in. She could feel the butterflies in the pit of her stomach. Even after all these years, he still had that effect on her.

He kissed her long and soft, it tasted like sunlight on your skin after you’ve been in the rain for hours. She removed her hand from behind his neck and held his face, but the slow kisses soon turned hungry. He fondled her breasts through the nightwear and as if he was not getting the reaction he wanted from her, he raised the dress above her head and threw it to the floor, that’s when she knew it was more than play. He wasn’t doing ‘gentle’ tonight.

He captured her left nipple in his mouth, sucking hard on it while she moaned softly. That seemed to have motivated him because he sucked on it harder now, causing her to arch her back. She started straddling him till she noticed the bulge growing in his shorts. He was getting turned on and she liked it.

He moved on to her other nipple and sucked on it too. He was already shirtless and she was grateful for that. When he was done with her, she bit on the skin above his male nipple, “The things you do to me,” he said, eyes closed. The bulge was getting bigger and that was her cue to get up from his laps. She stood up and bent her upper body towards him. She kissed all the way down his stomach, soft wet kisses, and then when she got to the skin just above his shorts. She looked at him as if asking his permission and he nodded, “Please,”

She knelt down before him, parting his legs and taking off his shorts. Then she went down on him. A low growl escaped his mouth while he gripped the arms of the swivel chair, and that pushed her to go faster. Minutes later, he was pulling gently at her hair and moaning her name.

She winked at him and stood up to go pick her dress to leave when he, for the second time that night, pulled her back, but by her waist this time round.

“Always finish what you start, ma’am. We’re only just getting started.” She felt hot all over and her heart was beating rapidly. He got up from the chair, and with one swift movement of his arm, all the contents of the table flew to the floor. The glass of water she had brought also fell and broke into many pieces but he didn’t look in its direction. He walked towards her and lifted her bridal style onto the very big table. He climbed on top of her and brought his lips to hers, kissing her with so much hunger, capturing her lower lip between his teeth.

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