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Everything was set and ready for ‘their plan’. The guy, Asante, sent them to a house in East Legon, where Betty had asked him to send Chorale after kidnapping her. When they got there, Caleb tied up Chorale’s hands, mouth and legs, making it look like she had been kidnapped. Then he asked Asante to call Betty and tell her that he had found Chorale.
She and Kay were having a heated argument in the house when the call came through. Kay asked her to go and have a DNA test done so he could be certain that the baby she was carrying was actually his. The initial plan was to wait till she gave birth but now, he had had enough. She was in his space too much and he didn’t like it, b 5ut she disagreed. She argued that her doctor told her that doing that would harm the baby or even her, the mother.
Kay was not hearing any of that. She had been staying in his house since that night that she came around, and had refused to leave. Her mother had still not come to meet Kay and he was thankful for that. Anytime he asked her to leave, she’d come up with one excuse after the other. When he realized he was being too nice, he decided to use force. One day when she had gone out, he took her things and left them outside the gate. That day, they had a serious argument. He told her to leave his house. That was when she decided to play the blackmail card. She threatened to leak the pictures she had of him and her to the media. He didn’t care about that. After all, everyone thought of him a playboy, but the thought that Chorale would see them and be hurt made him reconsider. He allowed her to stay but avoided her like a plaque. She had tried, on some occasions, to come and sleep in Kay’s room. He was so angry, that she actually thought he would let her. The bed he shared with Chorale? There was no way he would allow that.
 They were still arguing when her phone rang. She went out to take the call. Few minutes later, she was already dressed and about to leave the house. She went to Kay’s room to take the keys to one of his cars but the door was locked. She went downstairs to ask him for it but he refused to give it to her. She was being too comfortable and that annoyed him.
“You really won’t give me those keys?” she asked.
“No. I really won’t give you these keys” he stated, jiggling them in her face, “What made you think I’ll give them to you anyway?”
“Because I’m your wife-to-be and I’m pregnant with your child” she said, putting her hands on her hips and looking at him, eye level.
He laughed, “You’re my wife to be? Interesting. And who proposed to you on my behalf?” his eyes laughed at her and she turned red in anger but he didn’t care about that, “And that baby you’re carrying, send him or her to the father before it’s too late. Bye” Then he left to the kitchen.
She stomped off and Kay heard the gates close. He sighed and rubbed his temple but he was stopped mid-action when his phone rung. It was a call from Caleb. He answered it immediately but Caleb didn’t let him speak, he spoke first.
“Kay Sanders,” he called.
“Caleb Ferguson” he answered.
“Meet me at House No. 9 Sky Street, East Legon right now. There’s something you need to see.”
“Okay, I’ll be there in five.”
‘Park your car a few houses away” he cautioned.
Caleb hid outside the house in the bushy garden, leaving Chorale with Asante. The way he had terrified the guy and threatened his and his mother’s lives, there was no way he would mess up. He dared not.
Surprisingly, Kay arrived before Betty, probably because he drove himself there while she took a cab. Caleb quickly dragged him into the bush and tried as much as possible to brief him on what was happening. Five minutes later, a very fuming Betty walked into the compound. She immediately entered the room and then Kay and Caleb followed her, slowly so that she wouldn’t hear them.
When she got to the room and saw Chorale seated on the floor, she smiled wickedly and took Asante’s pistol from him. “Well, well…if it isn’t the Chorale Anderson!”
“Betty, don’t kill me, please” she begged.
“Kill you? I’m smarter than that, lady. After you’ve given birth then I’ll kill you. Not now at all, so relax and enjoy the world a bit” she said, sitting on the only sofa in the room, her back facing the open door.
“But what do you need my baby for?” Chorale asked, tears forming in her eyes.
“You shouldn’t be asking me so many questions, young lady.” She shouted, “But I’ll tell you. I need your baby so that after six months, I’ll send him to Kay as our child” she took out some gum from her purse and chewed it loudly, making it into bubbles and bursting them. The sound irritated Chorale’s ears but she was interested in knowing more.
“I don’t understand…what of your own baby?” Chorale asked.
Betty turned sharply to look at Chorale, “What baby?”
“The one you’re pregnant with?” Chorale asked.
Betty laughed very loudly but as soon as her eyes fell on Chorale’s big belly, she shut her eyes, like she was in pain, “There’s no baby. I’ll never be able to have children.”
Chorale felt sad for her, “I’m sor-”
“Oh shut up! I don’t need your pity.” She rested her head against the chair and closed her eyes again, “I just can’t wait for a month so I can get rid of you.”
“Why are you doing this to Kay and I? Did either of us ever wrong you in any way?” she wanted to know.
“ ‘Kay and you’ you say? My dear, there’s nothing like ‘Kay and you’. I’m in love with Kay and you’re being an obstacle. Everything he does or says is about Chorale. He’s thinking about you every second and that shouldn’t be so. It should be me!” she was shouting so much on top of her voice now. “That day you came with him to his office, wearing that ugly pajamas, I saw everything that went on. My blood boiled just hearing you two. The way he held you, kissed you touched you, made love to you, it drove me mad. I should’ve gotten all that queenly treatment!” she was up from the chair and pacing the room. The air was blowing her long blue dress and her sandals were making sounds as they came in contact with the tiled floor. “I needed him to make me feel like he made you feel, but I couldn’t,” her voice broke, “I drugged him and got in bed with him but I didn’t get half the reaction he gave you” she laughed sadly. “He didn’t kiss me like I saw him kiss you. He didn’t touch me like he did you. He didn’t make love to me-”
“Enough! No more details. There’s a virgin right here” Caleb came out of his hiding with Kay right behind him. Betty just stood there shocked as tears welled up in her eyes.
“It’s not what you think, my love” She said, walking close to Kay. “Chorale tried to shoot me!”
He pushed her aside, “You’re so pathetic, Betty” He went to squat beside Chorale, removing the loose ropes from her legs and feet.
Caleb also bent down to pick up a pen from the floor. He pressed a button and Betty’s eyes grew wide. He had everything she said on record.
She couldn’t let him give that to the police, no way. So she started struggling with him: kicking him, slapping him and even stepping on his feet with her heels.
“The only thing stopping me from beating you up right now is because of those two melons on your chest and that flatness between your thighs” Caleb said, still standing with the pen above his head so she couldn’t reach it. She was tall but he was taller.
“Allow me, Cal” a very heavily pregnant Chorale said. “You made a grave mistake trying to take what’s mine. Now take this,” she punched Betty in the face so hard her own knuckles hurt but she felt very satisfied.
Betty fell to the floor, wincing in pain, “Asante, don’t just stand there! Get the recorder and kill them all!” she screamed, holding her face in her hands. Kay smiled and Caleb just stood there in shock, “What a punch!” he shouted and Kay laughed with pride.
Asante who had just been watching the whole time, became alert as he heard his name, “I’m sorry ma’am. I can’t do what you’re asking me to” he said, his eyes moving between Betty and Caleb. His statement annoyed Betty she picked up the gun which had fallen beside her and fired at Asante. No bullets. She cursed them all.
Kay went to squat beside her, “Ms. Davis, what did you learn from this story? Never try to steal what is not yours. I belong to someone else, I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen. There was no way I could ever love you, not even if you tried so hard. You’re pretty, you could’ve found a good man to love you but you remained stuck on what was not yours. See how miserable your life is now?”
Asante dialed the police’s number like Caleb had asked him to. The police arrived in fifteen minutes,
 “Miss Betty Davis, you’re under arrest for kidnapping and attempted murder.”







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