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Chorale woke up with a start. She checked the time and it was 10 minutes to 8. It was her first day at her new job in the military hospital and she was already about to be late. She quickly jumped out of bed and entered the bathroom, doing everything twice as fast as she would normally.

She decided to wear a white dress today. She chose one of the ones Esmeralda had picked for her. By the time she was ready to leave, it was 8:24 a.m. Work started at 8:00 a.m. She ran out of her room and said a rushed “Have a nice day, guys” to Margarita and Antonio. She didn’t even hear when Margarita asked if she had eaten or not. She sped out of the garage, on her way to the Mexican Military Hospital.

She got to the hospital at 8:43 a.m. “The best way to start your new job,” she thought sarcastically to herself as she stepped out of the car.

The hospital was big. It was bigger than the private hospital she was working at, back in Ghana. Four different buildings, lettered A to D, came together to form the building complex that the hospital was. They were so positioned such that there was a large quadrangle in the middle which served as a cafeteria for the hospital workers and a big parking lot behind each of the four buildings. According to the map of the hospital given to her by Alvin, the neurosurgery unit was on the B block. Specifically, it was on the ground floor. She said a word of prayer to commit her day into God’s hands.

Just as she was about to lock her doors, a fancy red sports car pulled up right beside her, sandwiching her between both cars. Today was her first day and she didn’t want to start off by being rude so she tried to smile, “Be cool, Chorale. Be cool.”

“Hello, Sir.” She said through gritted teeth.

The man in the car flashed her a wide smile. He looked older, like in his early forties. He had on dark shades so she couldn’t make out his entire face. He responded, “Oh hey there, beautiful.” He had a really nice Australian accent.

“Flirty much eh,” Chorale thought to herself before speaking up. “I can barely move out of here. Could you park your car a little bit further?” She sounded her politest.

The man took off his shades and stepped out of the car. He was wearing blue long sleeves, folded to the elbow with navy blue trousers. He had unbuttoned the first three buttons of his shirt so that you could see his chest and he matched his outfit with some white Nike sneakers. His deep black hair had been cut in a way that created a mischievous aura around him. He managed to squeeze himself into the small space too and tucked his hands into his pocket. Chorale noticed he had very deep honey colored eyes. Her mind came back to the position in which she was and she frowned.

“I’m Jose Luis, Dr. Jose Luis Montenegro.” He introduced himself and extended his hand for a handshake. She didn’t take it. She was losing her temper now.

“I asked you to move your car a bit further, Sir. I’m having a hard time even breathing in here” she panted, in exaggeration.

“Oh, my bad,” He was feigning pity now and it annoyed her the more.

"What’s your name, angel?”

“Chorale Anderson”

“My goodness! I didn’t know you were this beautiful” He complimented. “It’s your first day today, and you’re late,” He mocked. “You and I are going to be really good friends”

She had been told of one other neurosurgeon in the hospital, one Dr. Montenegro. What was this man’s name again?

“What did you say your name is?” she asked

“Jose Luis Montenegro”

That was him. Nice way to meet your colleague!

“Since we’re both late, would you like to take this walk of shame with me, milady?” He was batting his eyelashes so bad she couldn’t help but laugh.

“I would’ve loved to, you see. But a certain gentleman has sandwiched me between my car and his, I can’t even move. I’m sorry”

“O-oh” he ran over to the other side of his car, reversed and packed at a better angle. She laughed as she took out her bag from the car and locked it. She waited for him to lock his own car so they could leave together. After he was done, he met her in front of the building and extended an open arm to her,

“Shall we?”

She smiled and placed her hand in his arm, “Yeah.”

They were just a few offices from their department when Jose Luis pushed them into a corner,
“Shh. See that old man coming towards us?”

 Chorale stretched her neck to see, “That’s the Military Commander. He’ll skin me alive if he sees that I came to work late today too.

“Oh, so you’re a habitual latecomer?” she asked, amused.

He scratched his head, “Well…well. I try to come early. I really try but, lateness is my DNA. My mama told me I was born three weeks later than they expected. You can’t blame me,” he shrugged.

“That’s not a good exc-"

“Jose Luis.” A stern voice called out.

“Shit!” Jose Luis cursed under his breath. Chorale was trying hard to not laugh at the faces he was making.

He finally turned and faced the man who was quite taller than him. The older man seemed to be almost the same height as Kay.


Not today. She pushed all thoughts of him aside and focused on the laughable scene before her.

“Hi” Jose Luis waved.

“Hello, beautiful. What’s your name?” the older man asked Chorale, completely ignoring the man waving at him.

“Chorale Sand-  ermm, sorry, Chorale Anderson.” She tried to smile. She was mentally kicking herself for the slip up. She had never called herself that before. Why now of all times?!

“Oh. The new neurosurgeon! You’re welcome to our hospital.”

He smiled for a brief moment before his eyes landed on Jose Luis again and then the smile vanished. “I see you have already met your colleague, the latecomer. Please do not become like him.” He smiled again at her, nodded sternly at Jose Luis and left.

Jose Luis hissed and Chorale laughed.

“We both come late but only I get a scolding? Very fair” he admitted sarcastically.

“That’s the power women have. Now come on, we have people's brains to save.”

CHORALE SANDERSWhere stories live. Discover now