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He was at work now, trying to concentrate on the file he had in front of him but failing terribly. His mind kept wandering to Chorale.

How was she doing? How was pregnancy treating her? He was worried about her because even when she was on her period, she didn’t have it easy. How much more, now that she was pregnant? She always had terrible pains in her abdomen, her feet hurt and he had to massage them for her before she felt better. Who was going to be doing it for her now that she was gone and he wasn’t with her? He had been reading from a blog that, when women became pregnant, they experienced a variety of challenges. He wanted to be with her now but where was she?

A knock sounded on the door, which brought him back to reality. He lifted his head to look at the one knocking, it was Betty. He asked her to come in and turned his attention to the file lying open on the table.

“Good afternoon, Kay….I mean, Sir”                                                   
Now she was overdoing things and he didn’t like that. “What do you want? Aren’t you supposed to have left by now? It’s past closing hours,” he said, checking his watch to be sure.

“Yes, but….I ..I’ll be cooking tonight, sir and I thought I should invite you for dinner at my place.” She said, walking towards his desk. Why was she walking towards him? When she got to his seat, she unbuttoned the first button of her shirt, exposing her breasts. She bent her body towards him. What was she doing? She moved closer and closer to him till all he could see was her breasts. He pushed her off him and she stumbled, almost falling,

“What are you doing, Betty?!” he screamed at her.
She was getting on his nerves. Ever since their encounter some months ago, she had started behaving weirdly. She now behaved like she was his girlfriend and he didn’t like that. People were beginning to think they were together now and that had brought him a lot of trouble. She went to the extent of granting interviews to several media houses, telling them that they were dating all because of a moment of weakness on his part. He had had to pay so much money for the mess to be cleaned. So many people had heard of it and it had soiled the image he had suffered so hard to build for himself. The news had gone so viral and even Caleb had heard of it. Luckily, Caleb trusted him and knew they were all lies. Valerie had also called him and he had to do a lot of explanation, assuring her that he had not forgotten about her sister. He could never, even if he wanted to. That girl was all he thought about every day and night. Mama Rica had been so disappointed that she left his house. He had had to go to her house to beg her. He told her exactly what he told the others: he had known her for too long a time to just forget about her so soon. He loved her. After several minutes of pleading, she agreed to come back to the house. The media people too won’t let him be. Everywhere he passed, the paparazzi would find a way of finding him to ask him questions. He had to get bodyguards just because of that. The news had gone really far and he feared that Chorale might’ve heard of it.

It all happened during a weekend, and unfortunately he didn’t have Betty’s number to call her to put her to order. He didn’t even want her number. So he waited till it was Monday before he spoke to her.

When he got to her table, which was a bit far from his office but on the same floor, he saw that she was already at work but was texting away on her phone. That irritated him more.

“Follow me to my office, Ms. Davis” he shouted so loud, startling her, and her phone fell to the floor. He did not care about that. Right now, he was very angry and Chorale had always said, “Angry Kay is not nice Kay.” Now he believed her.

The secretary stood up and hurriedly walked behind him. When they got to his office, he paused for a minute before opening the door with the keys. He never used the password when his workers were around. Normally, he would open the door for ladies to enter first, but not this time. He dropped his suitcase on the desk and sat in his seat while she stood a few meters away from him, with her hands on her hips.

CHORALE SANDERSWhere stories live. Discover now