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Chorale was starving so much. She had eaten some chips on the way to Accra but that hadn’t helped much. Kay noticed she was looking frustrated and weak on their way back to his house, their home.
“Is everything okay, baby?” he asked, taking her hands from where she had put them on her lap and intertwining it with his. She didn’t resist it, like he expected her to. Now his heart felt at peace.
The last two months had been hard for him. He couldn’t go to her house and he couldn’t call her too because he didn’t have her number.
One day, he was at a lunch meeting with a Danish investor when he saw that Valerie and her fiancé had just walked in. He excused himself and went to them. She hugged him so tight when she noticed him. He chitchat with them a while before he asked her for Chorale’s new number. It was a week after he got back from Saltpond. At first, Valerie was reluctant. Chorale had warned her to not give her number to Kay, but he promised to gift her an unlimited shopping voucher to Target to get anything she wanted, and that was all that it took to ‘betray’ her sister. Kay and Liam laughed at her as she dialed the number into Kay’s phone. After he got the number too and tried to call her, she never answered. Not even once. He was getting more worried as the days went by. So he did what he thought would put his heart at ease: He hired someone to keep watch over them and give him daily reports. It was the only way his heart could rest. That was a secret. He had not even told Caleb about it. Chorale was never to find out about that.
He repeated the question, “Baby, is everything okay?”
She was about to answer when her stomach made a rumbling sound. Kay laughed so hard.
“We’ll stop at JOSY’s Restaurant so you can eat something before we continue back home.” She nodded. So he called Caleb who was in his car in front of theirs and told him to make a turn at JOSY’s.
The place was packed with so many people but they managed to get a table for three. The owner of the place was a friend of Sharon, Kay’s sister. She was so happy to see them and especially to see that Chorale was pregnant. She asked her boys to come and take their order while she spoke to them.
Her eyes met Caleb’s and she quickly turned away in embarrassment. Chorale noticed that Caleb turned red. Was Caleb blushing? She stifled a laugh and tapped Kay’s leg under the table to look at his best friend’s face. Kay laughed but didn’t say anything. Just then, the waiter came in with their food.
“Enjoy your meal, and congratulations once again, Kay and Chorale” she said, looked at Caleb once again and left.
They waited for her to enter her office before they laughed and teased Caleb, “Someone is in loooovee” Chorale sung, pinching his cheek.
“Ouch!” he exclaimed, rubbing the area with his hand and blushing still. What was happening to him? He was the one who made the ladies blush, not the other way round.
Kay started singing so loudly, people turned to look in their direction, “Is this love that I’m feeling?...” Caleb threw his napkin at his best friend’s head and they all laughed. Chorale’s stomach made that loud rumbling sound again and that was their cue to concentrate on their food. “Mama’s hungry huh?” Kay teased and she slapped his arm.
“Let’s pray,” she said and they all closed their eyes, “We thank you O Lord for this thy gift which we are about to receive from thy bounty, through Christ our Lord, Amen.”
Chorale lifted her cover plate and licked her lips in delight. It was the yam and tomato stew she had been craving. She started eating immediately while the two men at her sides laughed at her. She glared at them, making them turn their attention to their own plates; Kay to his plate of jollof rice and Caleb to his plate of pasta.
After they had finished eating, Kay stood up to go and pay for the food, but Caleb insisted he wanted to.
“Let me, Kay”
Kay knew what Caleb was on to. He laughed so hard, “Oh sure. Say hi to her for me again and tell her we’re leaving.”
Caleb showed him the finger and walked away, towards the office.

CHORALE SANDERSWhere stories live. Discover now