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Today would be Valerie’s wedding. It was also Kay’s 31st birthday. The wedding was due for late afternoon and Chorale couldn’t wait. She promised her sister to be there earlier to be with her because she could sense Valerie’s nervousness over the phone. The wedding was going to be held at Valerie and Liam’s new house at Roman Ridge.
That morning, Chorale woke up very early to cook breakfast for Kay. It was his birthday and she wanted to make it special for him. He was a good man and he deserved the very best of everything. All through the week, she had been thinking of something special to gift him on that day but nothing came to mind. It disturbed her a lot. If there was anything she was terrible at, it was gifting.
 And dancing, maybe. No....definitely dancing.
Last year she had been really naughty and followed him to his company in pajamas. But they had so much fun. She giggled at the memory.
“Care to share what’s funny, with me?” Kay asked and she jumped up in fright.
She turned to face him, folding her arms across her chest, “Did you have to scare me like that?”
“Did you have to be so jumpy?”
He was looking extra handsome this morning and Chorale couldn’t help but ogle him. He had just come out of the shower, it seemed, because he only had on a towel tied loosely around his waist and water droplets decorated his beautiful dark skin. She looked at him from head, down his torso and then stopped right at where the towel sat on his waist.
“Should I take it off so you can see what’s under? Or better still, let me take a picture of it for you” he stated naughtily and she quickly averted her gaze to his face,

“Oh Kay you’re not romantic at all. Why are you even downstairs?” she whined and Kay looked at her in confusion.
She pushed him out of the kitchen, “Just go back upstairs and pretend to be asleep. I’ll take it from there.”
“Why? What’s happening?” he was still confused.
She sighed in frustration, “Just go!”
“Okay, okay!” he run up the stairs to their bedroom. He knew better than to cross a pregnant woman.
Few minutes later, Chorale appeared with a big tray in her hand. She had asked him to pretend to be sleeping and so that’s what he did. She placed the tray on the table beside his side of the bed and bent down to kiss him on the cheek.
“Good morning, handsome! Happy birthday!” she shouted so loud.
He got up and leaned his back against the headboard, “Thank you, Chorale. I almost forgot.” He honestly forgot it was his birthday.
“You’re such an old man, Kay” she walked to the table and brought the tray to the bed. “I made all of this for you.”
“Wow…this looks delicious” There was so much food on the tray, he was sure he couldn’t finish everything; muffins, slices of bread, eggs, yoghurt, a banana smoothie, pancakes, sausages and a lot of fruits.
“Baby, you made all of this for me?” he asked sarcastically and she nodded, “Pray and start eating”
He said a prayer and when he opened his eyes, the glass of yoghurt was in her hands. He shook his head and laughed, taking a berry and dropping it into his mouth. “I thought that was mine?”
“It was, but your baby wanted some of it. I'm not making these decisions on my own, Kay.” She giggled and he laughed at her. She was eating so much now. It was fun to watch her.
He ate his breakfast in silence while Chorale went to take her bath. Immediately he finished and put the tray aside, she also stepped out of the bathroom. “Kay, can you put some cream on my back and my feet, please. My hands can no longer reach them” she sounded frustrated.
“Masseur Kay at your service,” he bowed and she laughed. He went to her side and helped her raise her legs unto the bed, then he moved the towel slightly, exposing her thighs. He massaged her feet with the cream, coming a little upwards every time. He did this till he got to her inner thighs then he stopped, she held her breath and bit on her lower lip.
He looked up at her, “Don’t do that, Chorale. You know what that does to me. I may not be able to control myse-.”
“Then don’t” she cut him short.
That was all the permission he needed. He rose up and she pulled his own towel off, standing naked before her. She took the tip of his length in her mouth. Soon he was pulling at her nipples, with head thrown back in agonizing pleasure while she continued to move up and down on him.
When she had taken all she needed, she stopped and he went in between her legs, his hardness at the entrance of her womanly softness. She took in a deep breath before she felt him inside of her. She gasped. He moved slowly, so as to not hurt her for she was in a fragile state, but painstakingly too, so that she’d feel all the pleasure and love, because he had a lot to give.
Her nails dug into his back and he couldn’t control himself anymore. He moved in and out of her faster and faster till both their moans and grunts got louder then he gave her a final thrust and she welcomed the warmness that filled her. He was still buried inside of her and gave her a wet kiss on her lips before he pulled out, collapsing beside her.
Her body was still shaking but she managed to raise her legs and put them at either side of his, then she did same with her hands, looking down at him: her big belly touching his flat one. She leaned in and kissed him fervently, “Maybe birthday sex should be our thing every year now.”
He laughed, tucking her hair behind her ears, “I agree, mama. I totally agree.”
“Happy birthday, baby” she smiled against his lips.

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