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This is quite a short chapter, but enjoy!

No one here knew about the pregnancy, not even Alvin. Margarita and Antonio seemed like good people and Chorale knew she could trust them, although she had only known them only a couple of days. What she feared however, was what people will think if they found out a young, unmarried woman like her was pregnant and alone. Kay had told her to never let what people think bother her so that’s what she was going to do: Live like she didn’t care.

A knock brought her back to reality. Who was visiting her? Then she remembered Alvin had said he’d come over after work today too. She opened the door and he came in. It seemed he was in a bad mood.

“Hello, Chorale. How are you?” He asked, trying to smile but failing.

“I’m fine, but what’s wrong? You don’t seem okay” she probed.

“Something happened at work but I don’t feel like talking about it. I came here because I know you’re the only one who can ease my worry” he told her.

Only one who could ease his worry? Whatever did he mean by that? But she decided to let it slide. Instead, she changed the topic and asked him some things about the military hospital where she was going to work.

“How equipped is the hospital?”

“It’s among the best in the country. You have nothing to worry about.” He assured her.

She also asked about the neurosurgery department and he told her there was only one other neurosurgeon there. She wasn’t surprised. There were very few neurosurgeons, and a hospital was considered very lucky if they had one. He answered her many questions and by the time she realized, it was almost 6:30 p.m.

“It’s already 6:30!” Chorale alarmed.

“Yes. Why? Do you have somewhere to be?” He asked, with a frown. She noticed with some annoyance.

“Not really”

“Good. I want to take you out to dinner” he stated plainly, taking his keys from the table and rising to his feet. “Get dressed quick and we can go. There are a few places that-“

Now that got on her nerves and she cut him off, “Whoa…hold on. Is this how you do it? The proper way I know it is done is that, you ask the lady, ‘Can I take you out for dinner?’ and if she agrees, you go ahead and take her out. I’m sorry, Alvin. I already ate, maybe some other time.” She finished with a sarcastic smile.

“I’m sorry Chorale. I should’ve asked you politely. Next time, I’ll do just that” he apologized.

“It’s fine.” It didn’t seem like he was leaving any time soon and she needed her privacy. As if on cue, a knock sounded and she was grateful to whoever it was. She opened the door and Margarita stepped in.

“Oh Margarita, you’re here already. Just give me a minute, please.” She said to Margarita, pleading with her eyes that Margarita should spare her a few minutes. She knew she was there to inform her that she had closed for the day and was leaving.

Margarita was confused but answered, “Sure, ma’am”

“Oh Alvin, I’m sorry but we’d have to cut our meeting short. Margarita here, and I have some work to do and it might take quite some time,” she lied.

Alvin didn’t seem too happy but he obliged anyway. “Okay, Chorale. Have a goodnight. I’ll see you tomorrow,” encasing her in a hug that she did not return, and then he left.

Margarita noticed the annoyed look on the young lady’s face. She could tell she was uncomfortable.

“You don’t like him, huh?”

“He’s behaving weirdly”

“I don’t really like him,” Margarita confessed and that shocked Chorale.

“But why?”

“That day at the company, when he came to buy the building, he had been so rude to all of us there, that no one had wanted to agree to be the receptionist at his house. He was rude to Antonio because he didn’t greet him. He caused such a scene and almost had Antonio fired, and when I stepped in to talk for Antonio, he threatened to hit me. As a way of ‘apologizing’ to him, our manager posted us here. I was apprehensive at first, because I thought he was going to stay here himself. But I’m glad he’s not” Margarita revealed.

 A few seconds later, she turned to Chorale with a scared look on her face and asked, “Oh ma’am…If he’s your boyfriend then I’m truly sorry. I did not mean to badmouth him, please. Oh me and my big mouth!” She was blabbing so much, Chorale laughed at her and assured her, “He’s not my boyfriend, Margarita and thank you for telling me what you know about him. Have a goodnight, okay.” Margarita waved her goodbye and left.

Seconds later, she was still standing in the same spot, shocked.

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