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It was only a few minutes past 8 p.m. when they got to the hospital. It was raining and Chorale was still in so much pain, she couldn't walk properly.

A wheelchair was brought to the car, by some nurses, to help her get to the maternity ward but Kay refused it and asked to carry her instead. He lifted her bridal style and she managed to giggle shyly, hooking her hands firmly behind his neck.

"Everyone is looking at us, Kay," she whispered despite the pain.

"Let them look. Everyone has seen a man carry his wife to the labor ward before." He winked at her and started walking after the nurses, Caleb and Mama Rica walking right behind them.

Chorale noticed his choice of words, "my wife" but decided she wouldn't bring it up, at least not now. She just rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes, silently praying for a safe delivery.

Once they got to the sitting arena of the maternity ward, Kay sat her down in one of the chairs and a doctor came to attend to her. The doctor spoke to Kay, "I suppose you're her husband," she said.

"No. She's both our wife," Caleb answered, pointing at Kay and himself. They all laughed, even Chorale managed a little laughter.

"Yes, I am her husband." Again, Chorale said nothing. She felt the contraction again and let out a cry.

"Doctor," Kay addressed the older woman, "she's in so much discomfort. Can she go in now?" he asked.

"No. Not yet. There's still some time before the baby comes. The contractions only show that the baby is moving to the vagina, from the uterus." She turned to Chorale, "How do the contractions feel like?"

"It just comes and goes"

"Yes. It means there's still time."

"How much time, doctor?" Kay asked

"Maybe an hour or two"

Kay felt sweaty all over again and Caleb went to pat his shoulder, offering him comfort. Mama Rica also went to sit in the chair next to Chorale and held her hand in hers.

"I'll take her inside to check the opening of her cervix and the baby's heartbeat. For the meantime, you could go and get her something to eat or drink. She'll need the energy." She turned her attention back to Chorale, "I know it will be a little difficult but I'll need you to walk on your own and follow me inside, okay." She smiled.

"Okay" Chorale answered. She tried getting up on her feet but she couldn't. She held on to the arms of the chair and tried to raise herself up, she still couldn't.

"Let me help her get up on her feet, at least. Please." Kay pleaded.

The doctor felt pity on him, "Alright." She agreed. Kay rushed to her side and helped her up on her feet.

"You're a first time father?" She asked Kay.

He nodded and she smiled in understanding. It was something she was used to seeing. Most first time fathers were even more scared than their women. It was mostly very adorable to watch. Like now.

"Okay. We'll be back in a while," And she led the way, Chorale following slowly behind her.

"Kay, you and Caleb go and get her something to eat while I stay here and wait for her"

"Okay. There's a small cafeteria outside. I'm hoping they haven't closed by now." Kay said, checking his watch for the time. It was 8: 32 p.m. "We'll be back soon," and he and Caleb left.

A few minutes after, Mama Rica saw Chorale approaching her. She really wanted to go and help her but Chorale had to move around so that the birth process will be easier. So she sat there, smiling at the girl she had grown to love as her own daughter and prayed silently to God for a safe delivery for her.

CHORALE SANDERSWhere stories live. Discover now