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She had finished the food but she seriously needed to pee.

“Alvin, I…I want to use the washroom please” she stuttered.

He looked at her suspiciously as if when he opened the door for her, she’d run out. She would, if she could but right now, she just genuinely wanted to pee.

He opened the cage gate for her and led her to a small washroom opposite the room in which he had kept her. She entered and did her business.

When she was about stepping out, something caught her eye. The window had been left open. It looked somewhat big that if she turned sideways, she could easily pass through so she climbed on top of the water closet and just as she was about to reach for the window, the door burst open, revealing a very angry Alvin.

He pulled her down roughly and dragged her back into the opposite room. He slapped her across the cheek and she fell to the floor, then he took out his knife again and she started crawling backwards.

“No, Alvin. Please, I’m sorry.” She begged.

He just kept advancing towards her while she continued crawling backwards till she hit her back against the wall.

“Nowhere to run to, huh?” He asked smiling vilely.

He brought the knife close to her chest and she closed her eyes in fear but he didn’t cut her like she expected. Instead, when she opened her eyes, she saw that he was looking down at her cleavage and licking his lips. She used her hands to cover up but he forcibly pushed them away. He went on to lift her by her hair and raised her up. He tried to kiss her and again, she resisted, earning another slap from him, across her tear-stained cheeks. The impact caused her to fall back down, on her knees. He took out his belt and whipped her back several times till she could felt her skin had separated from her body. At this point, her cries were even deafening her. He lifted her up again and then kissed her. This time she was too weak to protest so she just stood there, not kissing him back. He took that as a sign of approval and he smiled against her lips.

He took off his shirt, took her hands and placed it on his chest, “See how my heart beats for you, Chorale. Can’t you see that I love you? Why are you giving me a hard time?” he asked softly.

She didn’t respond and he took out the knife again. “Answer me when I talk to you!” he shouted at her making her cry the more.

He raised the knife to cut her again, but she held his wrist in her small hands. He looked surprised for a moment before his expression changed to anger. He struggled with her and even cut her palm with the knife in the process. He pushed her off him and then he used the knife to cut her arm again, around the same place he had cut yesterday, only missing it by a few inches. She held her hand in pain as blood oozed out of the fresh cut. He took out a pistol from his jeans and aimed it at her.

“If I can’t have you, then no one c-.”

The door burst open.

“Kay?” she called out weakly. He was holding a gun.

Alvin quickly went to her and pointed his gun at her head. “Move and I'll shoot her” he warned Kay, “Drop your weapon.”

Kay looked so angry, she hadn’t seen that side of him before. His bloodshot eyes roamed all over her body, seeing all the cuts and bruises. The veins on his face popped out, as if they were going to burst.

Before he came here, his intention was to rescue Chorale and his baby. Right now, aside that, he so badly wanted to kill this man and make sure the universe never remembered his existence, but his eyes landed on her belly and all the anger was gone. His eyes turned misty and he dropped the gun to the floor.

“How did you get in here?” Alvin asked, still holding Chorale by the neck and pointing the gun to her head. Kay remained silent and that angered him so he fired the gun into the air. The light bulb burst.

Out of nowhere, came Caleb, also holding a gun in his hand. Alvin looked taken aback and he weakened his hold on Chorale. “You?” he asked, referring to Caleb. Caleb just chuckled. “Yes, me” he answered without his Spanish accent now.

“I trusted you enough to let you work in my house. You were a snitch all along?” he asked, still looking confused.

Caleb just laughed, “You trusted me? Why would you do that to yourself? I didn’t even do anything to earn your trust. All I did was just gather evidence and buy you fast food. Don't tell me you seriously thought I cooked all those meals?" Caleb asked, looking shocked and amused. "For a man as heartless as you are, you really are daft. You'll not survive in jail like this."

Alvin just stood there in shock and Chorale used the chance to leave his side. She run towards Kay and stood beside him.

He took her hands in his.

He needed this. This moment.

He needed this to put his raging and burning heart at some kind of ease.

Alvin became alert and he aimed the gun at Kay but Chorale jumped quickly to stand in front of Kay. He tried to pull her back, but she wouldn’t move.

“Chorale, get behind me” Kay ordered.

She just stood there, not moving.

“Chorale, please” He begged now. The man they were dealing with was a psychopath. He could do anything, but she only turned to look at him a brief moment, and smiled weakly.

He thought he’d never be able to see that smile again.

Alvin corked the gun.

Kay became alert and pushed her back “Chorale...move!”

She still stood her grounds. She wouldn’t let Alvin kill the man she loved. He'd rather kill her.

“Let me protect you, Kay. I brought this on all of us.”

Before Alvin knew it, the bullet had flown out of the gun and hit Chorale in the chest.

The last thing she heard before collapsing into Kay’s hand was Kay’s loud cry while he shook her shoulders,

“No, no! Chorale, NO!”

Caleb shot Alvin in the legs while Kay carried her to Caleb’s car. He drove at top speed to the hospital. Thanking God immensely, for GPS.

When they got there, he started shouting to the nurses, “Emergency! Emergency!” A stretcher was brought out and they put Chorale on it. He tried wheeling it with the nurses into the emergency room but the doctors stopped him.

“You can’t come in, please.” They shut the door in his face.

Numb. He felt numb all over.

What was happening?

His mind couldn’t process anything. It felt like the past twenty minutes was a scene out of a movie.

He slid down the wall.

That seemed to be the only way to protect him from falling, because his legs were wobbly and his hands were shaky, but all that were nothing compared to how heavily his heart was thumping in his chest.

CHORALE SANDERSWhere stories live. Discover now