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The next day, Caleb convinced Kay to go to work. He was reluctant at first but he later agreed to go. Caleb went with him.

As usual, there were several stares from the ladies when they stepped into the building, and that brought back a memory. He tried to hide his smile.

A year ago, on his birthday, Chorale had insisted on coming to work with him as she was off from work that day. He tried to tell her not to come but she wouldn’t listen. As soon as they got to the headquarters of K.INC, he noticed her grip on his hand tightened. At first he thought it was because of the many people there because Chorale was a very shy lady, especially when there was a crowd. He eased her tension by taking the private elevator, to avoid many people. When they got to his floor, the last floor of the twelve-floored building, the people there were not so many, it was just his secretary and a few people gathered around her desk but her grip tightened on his hand once again. It continued like that until they got to his office suite.

“Is everything okay?” he had asked.

“Yeah.” She answered too quickly, trying to avoid his gaze, then he knew that everything was not okay. He had come to understand a little bit of ‘women language’.

He dropped his suitcase on his desk and walked to her. She had her back against the door and kept looking at her feet. She looked so cute even in the pajamas. (Yeah… she had actually worn pajamas. He had wanted to leave her behind immediately she entered the bathroom but she wasn’t having any of that. She quickly brushed her teeth and hopped into the car, in her pajamas. He tried to tell her to go and change, but she said she didn’t trust him to wait for her. And there they were.)

He gently tilted her chin upwards so that she was now looking at his face. He noticed a film of tears in her eyes and that alarmed him.

“Baby, what’s wrong?”

“You have a lot of pretty girls working for you.” She looked away.

O-ooh! So she was jealous. He liked jealous Chorale. So he decided to pull her legs. "So you noticed too, right?” He remarked with a sly smile.

She had a look of surprise on her face for a flash moment before it was gone.

“I did. They’re really pretty and they’ve been ogling you the whole time.” She said, trying to get off from where he had pinned her to the door. But she was not strong enough to push him off.

He was very a very good looking man, even though he did not really care much about his looks. He had brown eyes, perfectly-shaped nose and lips. He spotted a  short-boxed beard and a signature crew-cut fade haircut that Chorale always liked to put her hands into and mess up, whenever she wanted to annoy him or whenever they were being intimate. His hair was also very curly, naturally, adding some bad boy energy to his physique. He was thick, muscular and towered over most men.

He parted her leg with one of his and started brushing her chin with the back of his hand “I may have a lot of pretty ladies working for me, but I have a more beautiful woman in my home and she’s the only one that matters.” That did it. She smiled and the mere sight of her dimples put his heart back at rest. She had such a smile to die for. If only she knew how his heart skips anytime she did even the simplest of things, she wouldn't be so worried about other ladies.

“I didn’t like how they were all watching you” She admitted, with a cute scowl on her face.

“They’re all watching me but I have eyes for only you, my love” He kissed her and she kissed him back, biting on his lower lip slightly, but that was a 'wrong' move, because he had never been one to control himself when it came to Chorale. He pulled her away from the door into the couch and kissed her even harder. She got up from the couch and undressed herself, while he took off his suit and pants. Before he knew it, he was calling his secretary to cancel all his appointments and meetings for the day. He and his girl spent the entire day in his suite, making love over and over again. They didn’t leave till he was sure that all the workers had left. It was the best birthday ever. He was sure no birthday could compare to it.

CHORALE SANDERSWhere stories live. Discover now