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tw: suicide

george, 4 years ago

"I'VE GOT YOU!" Dream yells saving me from a ridiculous amount of enderman attacking him.

"Dream don't be an idiot, we already won, it's okay if I die." I laugh adjusting the headphones hugging my head. His laugh comes through the call filling my ears. I smile at the sound and can't help the blush that coats my cheeks.

His character crouches in front of mine before we jump back into the end portal, completing the game.

"Alright guys, we did it! We completed the game while having connected health!" Dream concludes. I smile into my camera for the stream and put my thumbs up.

"And that ends my stream!" I thank everyone for the donations and make sure to tell them about my new merch.

"Dream say bye." I say smiling.

"BYE" He screams and leaves the call.

"Oh my God what an idiot. Anyways, BYE GUYS! BYE BYE!" I say waving and pressing the "End Live" button.

Dream joins back in the call and laughs, "Sorry that was kind of obnoxious." I laugh and put my knees to my chest and sit in silence for a few minutes spacing out.

"Georgeee, what's on your mind?" He asks snapping me out of it.

"Nothing, im just kind of tired, might hop off and get some sleep." I say going to leave the call.

He sighs, "Okay, i'm here if you need me, goodnight George." He leaves the call.

I sigh and rub my eyes with the palms of my hands. I get out of my chair and go and lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling. I turn on some music and feel sleep take over.

The sound of screaming and a horrible gut feeling rips me from my peaceful sleep. I quickly get out of bed recognizing the scream as my sisters and run to her.

She's in her bathroom and the door is locked. 
"T?" I call out. No response. "Tate are you okay?!" I start getting worried and trying to open the door.

I run to the kitchen and get a butter knife and push it in the lock and turn it.

I'm horrified by the sight in front of me.

Tate is on her bathroom floor and her arms are invisible by the amount of blood covering them.

"No.. No! No!" I scream sitting on the floor and taking her into my arms.

She's cold and pale.

"Tate cmon, you're okay" I cradle her head and lift  her higher up on my lap.

"Wake up!" I shake her slightly and in the midst of my panicking I grab my phone out of my pocket and call 999.

"Hello what's your emergency?" The lady speaking through the phone sounds all too calm.

"Please send someone.. my little sister.. she's hurt herself and bleeding. please send someone.." I say breathing heavily and shaking.

I hear footsteps down the hall. "George...?" my mother asks horrified, staring down at me holding my lifeless sister in my arms.

She falls to her knees and takes the phone from me, telling them the information they need to get here.
I sob and lean over my sister, kissing her forehead.

My mum hangs up and wraps her arms around me. She's crying too, and hard. The ambulance comes in and takes Tate. I stay in the same spot, caught in a state of shock.

"Hi, sweetie. I'm officer Cernon, can I ask you a few questions?" The lady asks in a soft tone kneeling in front of me, a little to the side to avoid the blood getting on her clothes.

She asked me questions about my sister and about myself and I answer like a robot with simple "yes" and "no" to every question.

The paramedics tell us she's was gone before they could've done anything.

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