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tw: self harm


I have no idea what happened, but whatever George saw obviously upset him. I opened my phone back to what was open and I was furious. I blocked and reported the account.

I followed George out to my car and get in. "Are you sure you want to go home?" I ask. He simply nods his head.

I start the car and head over to his house. "George, please don't shut us out again. We're here and we're not going anywhere." I say pulling into his driveway. 

He simply gets out of the car without responding and lightly closes the door. I make sure to see he's inside before I leave and then head back home.


I close the front door and thank God my mom isn't home. I slide my back down the door and put my head in my knees and let the tears flow.

I know how Tate feels. Maybe not as severe but I think I get it now. I rub my eyes and stand up on wobbly legs and go to the bathroom.

I haven't done this since Tate died, but I don't know what else to do.


It's been a few days since George has answered anything. "I think im going to go over there." I say to Sapnap, breaking the silence we've been sitting in.

"I think you should." He says agreeing. I nod my head and get up and put my shoes on. "I'll be back in a little bit." I say.

"Let me know if he's okay." Sapnap says before I shut the door. I get in my car and head over to George's house.

I get there and knock on the door. The door opens and i'm greeted by Georges mother. "Hey Dream, he's upstairs, he isn't doing to well.." She says looking down.

I nod my head and take off my shoes and then head up the stairs. I knock lightly on George's door and get no response. "George?" I ask quietly but loud enough that he can hear.

No response. I slowly open the door and see him in his bed covered by blankets. "I told you I wasn't going anywhere." I say walking over towards his bed.

I lift up the covers and he's facing the other way. I lay myself under the blankets and snake my arms around him. "Talk to me." I say gently.

He flips over and his eyes are all puffy and he's definitely been crying. I bring my hand up to his face and rub my finger on his cheek.

"I'm not even upset that there is hate, i'm upset they're telling me to kill myself. I know they don't know what happened and what I struggle with but I can't handle that." He says leaning into my hands comfort.

"What you deal with?" I ask, "Tell me about it." I whisper.

He looks up at me, "Don't be mad." He says. "I could never be mad at you." I respond. He sits up and pulls up his sleeves. I already know where this is going.

There's white cloth over his arms and he slowly takes them off revealing fresh, red cuts. "Oh George." I pull him into a hug.

"You don't have to explain, i'm sorry you're going through this." I say into his shoulder.

"I know they're ugly and gross I just haven't showed anyone and you're the only person I feel safe telling." He says pulling out of the hug.

"Ugly and gross? you? never." I lean down and gently kiss each and everyone of the cuts on his arms, gently of course.

"You mean the entire world to Sapnap and I. The night that we saw you again we texted about how happy we were to finally have you in our lives lives again. You mean so much to us." I say holding him close to me.

He hugs me tight and I hold him tighter. "Do you want to take a shower, eat and then come over and watch a movie with Sap and I?" I suggest.

He nods his head. "Thank you so much Dream. Genuinely I don't know what i'd do without you." He says climbing over me and heading to his dresser to grab clothes.

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