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I can hear Dream and Sapnap talking downstairs. "Dude, hear me out, I think George should move in." Sapnap says. There's a long pause in between. "What if he needs more time to heal? like with family. I want him to be comfortable." Dream reasons.

My stomach is filled with butterflies. "I think we should ask him, he always has the option to say no, he knows that." Sapnap says. "I guess, do we ask now or..?" Dream responds.

"Yeah, I don't see why not." Sapnap says. I hear light footsteps and Dream walks through the door. "Hey wanna come downstairs me and Sapnap have something to ask you about." He says standing in the door way.

"Sure." I say getting up and following him down the stairs and into the living room. "Okay.. so crazy idea." Sapnap starts, "How about you come and move in with us? I mean you don't have to and I totally under you could still be healing-"

I cut him off by hugging the both of them, "Of course. I'd love to." I say. They both wrap there arms around me and we're suddenly a circle of giggles.

"I was also thinking I might get back to streaming to, there's so many people being supportive and I have you two, I also miss my friends." I say, talking about people like Quackity and Karl and them.

They pull back from the hug with the biggest smiles i've ever seen from them. "We are so proud of you." Dream says. "Ditto!" Sapnap says laughing.

We go on with the night and eat and watch a few movies. Dream finds his way on the couch again with me and Sapnap is on his usual love seat.

Dream and I are both facing the tv as he traces his fingers down my spine. I shiver at the touch. "Feel good?" He says laughing quietly. I shake my head and laugh.

We all fall asleep downstairs yet again. I wake up and see Sapnap already eating in the kitchen. I rub my eyes and get up and head over to him. "What're you doing?" I ask.

"Talking to Karl." He says showing me his phone. "Want to say hi?" He asks. I nod my head and am handed the phone.

A giddy Karl is filling up the screen, "GOGGYYYY" He yells happily. I laugh, "Karllllll!" He laughs. "I missed you man, how are you?" He says.

"I missed you too Karl. I'm doing really well, i'm actually thinking about getting back to streaming." I say. His face brightens up, "Really? That's so awesome! Do you think I could join you on your first stream back?" He asks excitedly.

"Of course, I might ask Quackity to join but I haven't talked to him in so long I don't know if he'd want to." I say.

"Oh you know him, he loves you George, just talk to him i'm sure he'd love to." Karl says waving it off. "Yeah you're right, i'll go call him, it was good talking to you Karl i'll let you know when I plan to stream! Bye!" I say giving the phone back to Sapnap.

I go upstairs and go into the guest room that is soon to be mine, it's so nice. It's not too big like Dreams and I won't let it become cluttered enough like Saps, it's comfy and not too big or small.

I take out my phone and get Quackity's number through Karl. I dial the number, hoping for the best. "Hello? George?" He says, answering after the first ring.

"Yeah hey it's me. I just wanted to call you to say i'm so sorry for cutting you off like that a few years ago, I was going through the worst thing of my life and I didn't know what to do." I say talking probably to fast for him to understand.

But he understands, because he always does, that's who he is. "George i'm not even a little mad. I knew it has to be something horrible. I'm sorry you went through something alone. I'm so happy you've reached out to me again." He says calmly.

I sigh in relief. "You're an amazing person Q, thank you for understanding. I promise i'll stay in contact I just thought it's time to finally get everyone back." I say.

"Of course, if you need anything you know who to come to." He says. I thank him again and we hang up. I'm so beyond relieved he isn't mad at me.

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