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George, now

There is no fucking way.

Two aisles away from me I can hear the unforgettable laugh of an old friend. Literally what the fuck do I do if he sees me? Will he even recognize me? Do I talk to him? Would he even want to talk to me?

I freeze hearing the laugh come closer and hearing a second, quieter laugh from and equally unforgettable person.

Fuck fuck fuck.

I quickly walk down the aisle and pull my hood up and pretend to be looking at something.. which turns out to be a random jar of pickles.

"Dude there is no way you just did that! That was so loud I bet everyone here heard it" Dreams voice floods my ears and brings me back to the night I last heard it.

My hands starts shaking and I decide leaving the area was a better idea then standing there.

I place the pickles back on the shelf and hear the footsteps of them getting closer and then a louder sound of the same pickle jar I had a few seconds ago shattering on the ground. I turn around and sigh. Just my luck.

I go back and squat down and start picking up the pieces, hoping the boys won't help, but knowing their kind nature that they will and I can't avoid this.

"Here let me help" Dream says, squatting down and mimicking my actions by picking up the glass.

Our hands brush against each other and I realize this is the first time i've seen him in real life. I keep my head down hoping and praying that they don't recognize me.

I want this to be over faster then it started and and I drag my hand across the glass to pile it up together, which ended up being a very dumb decision.

The glass slid through the skin on my hand, leaving a large line of blood down the middle of my palm.

"Fuck" I say, dropping the glass and bringing my hand up to my face to see how bad it is.

"Oh shit, are you okay?" Sapnap asks, noticing i'm hurt before Dream.

Dream lifts his head up and grabs my hand, looking at it and rolling down my sleeve, to avoid blood getting on my white hoodie.

He slowly lets go of my hand, "George...?"

Oh no.

I lift my head up and make eye contact with him.

dream's pov

I help the boy pick up the shattered glass and get most of it into a bag a worker brought us after I insisted to clean it instead of them.

"Oh shit, are you okay?" Sapnap asks from behind me.

I lift my head up and see the boy has cut his hand and I drop the glass I had and grab his hand to look at it. I roll up his sleeve to avoid getting a red mess on his hoodie.

My eyes immediately flew to the bracelet on his arm.

"in sync" was what it read. A stupid little beaded bracelet bought off of etsy as a joke birthday present 3 years ago.

And I knew that because I had the matching one reading "bb"

"George...?" I whispered.

There is no way.

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