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I sit with Sap for another hour or so and he finishes off the stream. "Bye guys! Thank you for all the donos! Bye Jack!" He waves and hits the "end live" button.

"Ready to go eat George?" He asks getting up from his chair. I nod and climb off his bed and we go downstairs.

Dream is on his phone at the counter and looks up, "Cmon and eat losers your food is definitely cold." He says smiling.

Sapnap and I eat our food pretty fast considering we haven't eaten yet. Dream cleans our plates and puts them in the dish washer.

He goes into the living room and lays back on the couch while Sapnap shows me this game about dragons or something, it was kind of hard to pay attention to anything else but Dream when he's in the room.

He finishes his little explanation of the whole game, "That's pretty cool Sap." I say hopefully convincing him I listened.

I see Dream laying on his back and take the opportunity to be as close as I can with him. he groans at the sudden weight on his stomach as I get myself comfortable.

"what are you doing, george?" he asks. i look up at him to see him staring down at me.

"just," i look to see what he's doing on his phone "watching tiktok. what about you?" he laughs, in which i smile at.

"i guess watching tiktok." I sink into his comfort as we hold our attention to his phone.


I sit on the chair across from the couch where George and Dream are laying. I get my phone out and open twitter.

I open the hashtags to see if Jack and I's stream is trending. And it is.. but not exactly what I expected it to be trending for..


Content creator GeorgeNotFound is seen, after over a 3 years of being gone, on Jack Manifolds YouLaughYouLose stream with other content creator Sapnap

My eyes widen and my hand is over my mouth before I can stop it. I look over at George and Dream and they haven't noticed anything.

"Hey uh.. Dream, Can I... uh talk to you for a second?" I say trying not to make George suspicious of anything.

George barley looks phased, "Yeah? We can go upstairs real quick." He says scooting over George and leading me up the stairs.

"Is everything okay?" He asks worriedly. I shake my head and show him the hashtag.

"Oh shit." He takes the phone from my hands and looks at the replies.

#GEORGEWASFOUND! i thought the boys didn't know where he was and now all the sudden they're in the same house?

#GEORGEWASFOUND! i'm so glad George is back!

And a ton of other mixed tweets filled the screen. "What do I tell him?" He says giving the phone back.

"I don't know I don't want him to freak out or anything. I think it's best we tell him together." I say walking back down the stairs with Dream following.

"Everything okay?" George asks, still in the same spot we left him.

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