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(song suggestion: Lvr boy by awfultune)


I turn on my pc and sit in my chair. I set up all the things I need to stream and then join the vc.
"GEORGE!" Quackity immediately screams. "BIG Q!" I yell back. "Are you ready?" he asks. "I think so. Also where is Karl, Sapnap, and Dream?" I respond.

"I think they should be joining now." He says. A second after the notification sound alerts me that three more people have joined the call.

"Finally." I say jokingly. We all talk about what we're going to do for the stream and things to avoid saying. We all agree if anything too personal is asked about me we're going to ignore it.

"Also Sap and Dream, don't come in my room because I don't wanna have to mute and all of that so stay in your rooms" I say. "We will." They say at the same time.

I press the "go live" button. "Hi chat!" I say seeing people roll in. The boys say hi and we explain what we're doing today.

A little ways into my stream, Dream waltzes right into my room. I turn myself on mute and look up at him. "What're you doing?" I ask looking back at my stream. "I just came to watch. Keep going." He says leaned up against the door frame.

I turn off my camera, "Go sit down or something it'll make me anxious if you're just standing there." I say. He laughs and goes and lays on his stomach on my bed, which is out of view of the camera, and just watches.

I turn my camera back on continuing the stream. Chat keeps asking what just happened or who I was talking to and I ignored it because I simply don't feel like explaining that Dream just came in my room to "Watch me."

After I'm done with the stream I say goodbye to the boys and turn off my computer. I turn around and see Dream wrapped in my blankets and his head now on my pillow. I get up and lean against the pole of my bed.

"What's up George?" He says. "I'm tired." I respond. He shifts and lifts up the blanket for me to come lay with him. I slip in next to him and his arm unconsciously wraps around my waist.

"Dream?" I ask with my eyes closed. His arm is propped up and his head is resting in his hand. "What's up?" He asks.

"What are we?" I say opening my eyes to look at him. He smiles, "Whatever you want us to be George." He takes the hand from under his head and brushes away a hair that was in my eyes.

The thing is, I don't know what I want us to be. I want to be with Dream. That's what I want. "Say what's on your mind." He says interrupting my thoughts.

"I think i'm ready for that kiss now." I say looking at him. He smiles and closes the small gap in between us. It's a short, loving kiss, but it couldn't have been more perfect.

We both pull away and he looks at me, "George, would you do me the honors of being my boyfriend? Only if you're ready." He says in a horrible british accent.

"You're actually and idiot, and yes of course." I say smiling. He wraps both arms around me and lays his head down on the pillow. "I'm so proud of you George."

I kiss his nose and tuck my head into his chest. I haven't been this happy in so long.

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