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I wake up to an empty bed and assume George went home. I get up and go downstairs to get some breakfast.

I find George sitting on the counter and Sapnap standing next to him in the kitchen talking about streams and stuff. "You're still here." I say groggy.

They both look over at me, "Yes I am." George says looking back down at his phone. I go and grab some cereal and sit on the stool and get my phone out.

I go on to tik tok and see a video of Sapnap dancing and George making a face at him as he does it. "Sap, you are a terrible dancer." I say laughing and liking the video.

He just laughs and goes into the living room, leaving George and I alone. "How did you sleep." I say finishing my cereal and putting my bowl in the sink.

"Actually pretty good." He says looking down at his phone still. I walk over to him and stand in between his legs and push his phone down, "Is that more important then me?" I ask looking up at him.

He face grows pink, "No sorry I was just looking at stuff." He says breaking the eye contact. I put my finger under his chin and make him look at me, "Is everything okay?" I ask seriously.

He smiles, "Yes, Dream, everything is okay. I'm just a little nervous about what people are going to say about how i've just turned up out of the blue." He says still looking at me.

"Everyone missed you. Anyone who has anything else to say is an official idiot. Don't worry about it George." I say wrapping my arms around his waist.

He laughs and hugs me back, "You are just as touchy as I imagined maybe even more." I pull back. "You've thought of me being touchy?" I ask teasingly.

"I hate you." He says blushing and laughing. I go back and hug him. "Is me being touchy okay?" I ask. I feel him nod and hug me a little tighter.

"Oh also, I forgot to ask you last night, do you want to stream with me today? Like you don't have to stream, but you can be there and help out and stuff. Only if you want to." I quickly say.

He smiles and looks down at me, "Of course Dream." With that he scoots forward and I help him off the counter. We both go upstairs to my room and relax for a little before we decide to stream.

Around 30 minutes later I set up my computer and pull a chair next to mine. "Ready?" I ask looking over at George. He nods his head.

I press the "go live" button and wait a minute or two to let people get the notification. "Hi guys! I know i'm finally streaming. I'm here with George. I'm just going to play some bed wars and talk with you all." I explain.

I load up minecraft and hop on bed wars. A donation comes in.

user 53 donated $20!
We're so happy George is back and we hope he's okay, if he feels comfortable can he tell us why he was gone for so long?

I read the donation and internally freak out and look over at him. He shuts his eyes tight. "You don't have to go into any detail or even answer if you want." I say resting my free hand on his hand.

"I had something happen in my family and needed to get off the internet." He says slowly thinking out each word carefully. I squeeze his hand.

We continue with the stream and talking to people. I think they took the hint that it was very personal to George because they stopped asking questions and went back to normal stuff.

"Alright guys, it's getting late, I love you all but I need my beauty sleep." I say. George snickers and looks over at me. "Beauty sleep, huh?" He says smiling.

"Yes, and you need your beauty sleep too." I say. He laughs and we both say goodbye to the stream and end it.

I push my chair back and go and sit on the couch in my room and George follows. He sits down and I lay my head in his lap.

He runs his fingers through my hair and he tilts his head up looking at the ceiling. "George I love you." I say. He looks down, "What?"

"I love you so much. You mean the world to me." I say closing my eyes. "Thank you for being such an amazing person and someone I want to be around all the time." I say.

He lays his head back and continues to comb through my hair. "I don't think I would be here anymore if I didn't run into you two." He says quietly.

I put my arms around his waist and keep my head in his lap. We sit in silence for a few minutes. "I love you too, Dream."

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