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The movie finishes and I look over at Sap and George and see then both sleeping and leaning on each others heads. I get up and take a picture.

"Sap, get on my back." I whisper helping him up onto my back and walk with him up the stairs. I put him on his bed and put his blanket over him.

I go back downstairs and get George. "Hey George, let's go upstairs into bed." I say lifting him up and putting my arm around his waist. We slowly walk up the stairs and go into my room.

I put him on my bed and put the blankets over him and go to my bathroom and shut the door. I turn on the sink water and wet my face with my hands taking a heavy breath.

This is going to be so hard getting George back to enjoying life. He's had such a hard time and no one to help him out. I dry my face and put my hands on the counter and put my head down.

I don't realize the tears falling until they're dripping off my cheeks and into the sink. I want George to feel safe and like he has a home.

I wipe my face and take a second. After a little bit I go back into my room and lay down next to George. I turn opposite of him and close my eyes and let the feeling of sleep take over.


The light from the sun shining through the window wakes me up and so does the weight of a large blonde fellow laying all his body weight on me.

I push him off and sit up, realizing i'm in his bed. I check my phone and see that my mom texted me good morning and that she won't be home till later.

I put my phone down and go to Sapnaps room and hear he's streaming. I knock and walk in. He's covering his camera and tilts his head towards the bed. I go and lay down on it and watch him play on the smp. It's changed so much.

I pull the other chair in Sapnaps room and sit next to him, outside of the cameras view. He looks at me and smiles. I pull my knees to my chest and smile back.

He pushes the keyboard over to me and mutes the stream and leans over to me, "I'm going to play music for a little bit so I don't have to talk and you can explore the smp, I know it's been a while."

I smile and mouth "Thank you" once he unmutes. He explains he's just going to run around and explore and listen to music for a little bit. He puts on music and gives me the keyboard and mouse.

I explore the place noticing tons of changes in buildings and areas. I go to the community house and see it hasn't really changed, this brings back so many good memories.

After a little bit I give Sap the keyboard and mouse back and let him continue the stream. I watch as he adds little things to areas on the smp and then eventually ends the stream.

"That felt nice getting to watch you stream and getting to explore the smp." I say.

"I bet. How about we go get some food, i'm starving." He says turning off his pc and getting up from his chair. We both get up and go downstairs.

I grab some cereal and put it in a bowl, eating it without milk and sitting on the edge of the counter pulling out my phone. Sapnap pulls out his phone and opens tik tok and sets his phone up on the island.

He sets a timer and starts doing a dance to a song that goes like "girl the way you movin.." blah blah blah. "George! Watch me!" He continues doing his dumb dance and I look up at him and cringe and laugh.

"Can I post this?" He asks looking up at me. I shrug, "Yeah sure, I don't care." I respond looking down at my phone seeing a notification saying "sapnapvids has tagged you in a video."

I watch the video and smile. I don't check the comments for my own sanity but I do comment, "you're actually a loser."

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