28 ~ bonus chapter

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(song recommendation: found by Zach Webb)


"One year gogs." I say sadly sitting in front of the cement that's supposed to represent my best friend.

"I've wanted to visit you for a while but I know we both hate crying and i'd hate for you to see me cry. Since you've been gone I joined this thing to help other people who felt the way you did.

"I've also stopped streaming, just so I can take some time off and try to heal. I know you didn't mean to hurt anyone but I miss you so much man. My life was so dull without you and now you're gone again.

"It's kind of funny because I used to talk to.. uh Dream all the time about how I didn't understand about how you could lay in bed all day. But I get it now. I've had some of those days and now I really wish I knew how you felt, because now I know it doesn't feel very good.

"I also know you would've wanted everyone to stick together because you always put your friends first, but me and Dream.. we haven't really talked since you died. We got in a really big fight. I was so mad at him... I blamed him for your death and that wasn't fair.

"I just wish I could've done something different or better that maybe could've kept you here." The tears are now flowing down my cheeks and there's no stopping them.

Suddenly, a little blue butterfly slowly makes its way over to me and lands gently on my knee.

"George, dude, I can't wait to see you again. Every thing i'm going to do is going to be for you. I think i'm going to start putting content back out but I will include you in everything. And i'll try to talk to Dream again because I know that's exactly what you want. I bet he's already visited you. He probably came at 12am today, i'm surprised he's not still here.

"When you first.." I can't even say it. "He would come here every. single. day. He didn't miss a day. And he left you a flower a day. The day he decided to stop going, he was crushed. That was the day we.. stopped talking. But i'm going to start visiting you more George. I know, i've been avoiding it, but I was just scared I wouldn't be able to leave you. But i'll be back George, no one will forget your name.

"Anyway George, I love you. Like really, really love you man. I just want to see you again.. I hope wherever you are, you are in nothing but pure happiness." I slowly get up avoiding hurting the butterfly that is still resting nicely on my knee, And I put blue and orange flowers onto his grave.

"I'll see you soon George."

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