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tw: suicide, self harm


"tate?!" I yell looking around in the dark hallways of my old house.

"This is all your fault. It was so obvious that I was in pain. There's no saving me now" She says grabbing the knife.

"Tate please! Don't, I can help you!" I run toward her but the more I run, the farther I get from her. It's inevitable.

I watch as she pulls the silver all the way up both arms and slowly falls to the floor. My feet are moving but i'm getting nowhere.

"George how could you let her do this?! I expected you to help her!" My mother screams holding my little sister.



I'm awoken from my sleep from hearing George tossing and turning and yelling something about being his fault. I turn over and slightly shake his shoulder to wake him up.

"George.. Georgie? Get up it's just a nightmare." I say getting closer

His eyes snap open and he looks around, taking in his surroundings as if he doesn't recognize his own bedroom. His eyes find me and I immediately pull him into me.

"It was just a nightmare George. You're safe." I say wrapping one arm around his back and the other holding his head close to me.

"She's gone. I'm never going to get her back." He sobs.

"George, take a deep breath." I breath steadily hoping he repeats me. He does, a little more jagged at first, but then slowing down matching my pace.

I slowly lay us back down onto his bed, still holding him close.

"Let's get some sleep, okay? I won't leave, i'll be here when you wake up." I say pulling him close to me.

He nods his head and gets even closer to me then I thought was possible.

I have literally dreamt about this situation so many times and it's finally real.

I'm going to help George however I can, and i'm going to bring his happiness back, no matter how long it takes.


I wake up with a pounding headache and a heavy arm draped over my waist. I turn around and scoot myself further into his arms.

He wraps them both around me tight. "How did you sleep?" He asks tiredly.

"Better. After.. you know.." I answer.

"Well that's good, I think I might head back home if that's okay, I told Sapnap i'd be home about an hour ago with breakfast." He takes his arms away and rubs his eyes, eventually sitting up.

"Okay, make sure you text me that you got home safe." I say pulling the blankets back over myself.

He pauses for a minute and turns to me, "Do you want to come with?" He asks.

I smile, "Yeah of course give me a few minutes." I get out of bed and go to my bathroom and slip on some grey nike sweats and a simple blue hoodie.

"Ready?" He says slipping on his shoes as I come out of the bathroom. I nod and leave my room, leading the both of us downstairs.

"Mom i'm going out with Dream i'll be back later! text me if you need me!" I yell up the stairs. With that, we leave out the front door and head to his car.

"So, where do you want to get breakfast?" He asks backing out of my driveway.

"Uh, i'm not super hungry but we could go to McDonald's or something." I shrug.

"Yeah that's fine. Hey do me a favor and open my phone and text Sapnap and ask what he wants. the password is 110196." He says.

I open his phone and text Sapnap and get his order. Once, we get there I give Dream his order and he takes mine and his own.

After a 10 minute drive back to his house we both get out and go to the front door, which is unlocked may I add. And may I also add i'm not suprised.

We go in and set the food on the counter, "Sapnap food is here!" Dream yells.

Sap doesn't come down. "I'll go get him since you're still eating." I say, going to the stairs.

I find Sapnaps room and waltz right in. Right into a "You laugh you lose" stream featuring Jack Manifold. Luckily Sapnap immediately sees me in the back and covers his camera.

"One second Jack." He muted himself on discord and turns his camera off.

"I did not mean to do that i'm sorry" I say.

"No worries George, what's up?" He asks softly.

"Breakfast is ready if you were hungry." I say

"I'll eat in a little bit, do you want to stick around? You don't have to be on camera or anything, just company." He says sort of shyly.

I smile and place myself on his bed which has a good view of the stream and it's not in camera so I can relax here with him.

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