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I follow behind Sapnap and go and see George hasn't moved an inch, I of course go back to my original spot, lifting him up and putting my arms around him. I start to trace small circles on his back with my fingers.

I move my legs so Sap can sit on the end of the couch with our feet in his lap. He shifts uncomfortably.

"Yeah uh.. you remember how you walked in on my stream today?"

"...yeah" He says lifting his head up and looking at Sapnap suspiciously. Sapnap turns more towards us.

"Well I think you definitely walked in line of the cameras view and 60,000 people saw you after 3 years..." He says rushing his words and looking down at his hands.

Georges breathing stills for a second. "...what?" He says after a few moments of silence.

I look at him and see the anxiety of the situation written all over his face. "Hey, it's okay, I can just tell them it's a personal situation and you don't need to say anything." I reassure him.

"I'm going to get some fresh air... I- I'll be right back." He says getting off the side and walking towards the front door.

"Well that definitely could've gone worse?" Sapnap says.

"It could've gone better Sap. He's probably so scared right now." I say sitting up and looking over at the front door.

"I say give him a few minutes and then you can go out there and see if he's okay, I feel like you might help him out better then I can." Sapnap says.

"Sap, you're great at giving advice but yeah, I think i'll help him out because sometimes you tend to use humor and not all people understand it." I say laughing lightly and him laughing along.

After 5 minutes I get up and head over to the front door, opening it. George is sitting on the edge of the porch with his head in his hands.

I sit next to him and put my arm around him. "This is all going to be okay George, don't let it upset you." I say holding him a little closer.

"Dream I stayed off the internet because I didn't want to have to explain anything or anyone knowing anything and now that everyone knows something obviously happened." He says leaning his head on my shoulder.

"George you don't owe anyone anything. You don't need to explain anything or hop back on the internet. You take as much as much time as you need, Sap and I will be here the entire time." I scoot and sit criss cross facing him.

He does the same once again, and I hold his hands once again. "This is so hard." He says quietly.

"I know." I answer on the same level. "But you're so so strong and I know you'll get through this." I say.

We go back inside and George turns to Sapnap and I, "Can I see the tweets please?" He says calmly. I look at Sapnap.

"Are you sure? You don't have to jump into anything too quick." I say pulling my phone out.

"Yeah George, this can just flow over and-" Sapnap starts. George rolls his eyes and interrupts.

"Can you stop babying me and give me the phone. Holy shit" He says exasperated. I give Sapnap a questioning look and he nods his head.


I take the phone slightly annoyed that they don't think I can handle a little hate.

user248: i'm so glad george is back everyone was worried

user190: i hope he gets back to being a cc but it's okay if he's not, glad he's okay

I'm glad people aren't mad with me. This is why I loved being a content creator because I always had people on my side who cared for me. On the other hand there were people who weren't so supportive.

user1020: the whole dsmp community had it better when he was gone

> user30: i totally agree, he was shit at his job

>> user4: he may as well have khs we wouldn't have cared lmao

"he may as well have killed himself."

"I want to go home." I say giving Dream back his phone. I walk to the front door and slip on my shoes and walk out and get in his car.

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