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"George you finally get to see the dream team house" I say getting out of the car and closing my door.

He gives me a small smile and follows behind me as I take my keys out and open the front door.

"Dream i'm genuinely going to shit my pants so if you could get out of my way i'd really appreciate that." Sapnap says lightly pushing me to the side and going to the bathroom.

I laugh and walk into the kitchen, George following shortly behind me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I say leaning against the opposite counter that George is leaning on.

"There isn't much to say." He says with his head down.

"There's a lot to say. I'm just not sure you want to say it." I respond.

He puts his head down and starts picking at his fingers. I reach forward grabbing his hands and looking down at him. He looks up at me with teary eyes.

"I'm here." I say pulling him into a tight hug.

He hugs me back and we slowly find our way to the floor as his legs give out on him, me I rub his back and he's gripping tightly onto my shirt.

"Dream I don't know what I did wrong! She seemed so okay. This is all my fault... it's all my fault." He says his voice growing quieter.

"George," I put my finger under his chin and lift it up to look at me, "This is NOT your fault at all. There was nothing you could do and i'm sure she's not mad at you. She's probably watching down on you now, wanting you to live your best life." I say consoling him.

He shakes his head and continues, "I'm so sorry for cutting you guys off. I felt so lonely and sad, so fucking sad. I didn't want to burden either of you, and to be honest, I didn't have the energy."

"Stop apologizing, I may not understand the way you feel but I am so incredibly sorry you went through that alone." I say.

"Thank you. I'm not planning on going anywhere now, I need you guys." He says. I place my hands gently on the sides of his face and lean down and kiss his forehead.

"We're here." I say leaning back to where I was. He smiles at me and I help him up.

"Are you hungry? I have left overs if you want?" I ask going to look in the fridge.

"No i'm okay I ate before I went to the store." He says standing awkwardly in the kitchen.

"George, you can sit down if you want." I nod my head towards the stools. He smiles and walks over to the stools pulling his phone out as he sits down.

"Dream are we still filming that video?" Sapnap says walking down the hallway towards the kitchen.

I close the fridge and turn towards him, "Yeah probably, we should do it a little later though."

He nods and sits next to George.

"Guys my mum wants me home, I know I just got here but she might need me, do you think you can drive me home?" George asks getting up from his seat.

"Yeah that's totally fine." I grab my keys and hold the front door open for George, "I'll be back in a few." I say to Sapnap closing the door.

We both get in the car and drive to Georges house, which weirdly wasn't even that far from Sapnap and I's.

We arrive and George turns to me, "You remember how we always joked about how you wanted to meet my mum?"

I laugh remembering the late night calls of us joking about meeting each others parents, never expecting to even get the chance to meet each other.

"Yes I do, those were the good days" I respond.

"Would you like to meet her?"

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