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"I have something for you." I say. He sits up and faces me. "What is it?" He asks curiously.

I take a little box out of my pocket. "Don't freak out or anything i'm not proposing." I say. He laughs and shakes his head. "...yet." I say looking him in the eyes.

I open the box and show him a silver bracelet that matches exactly with one of my rings, except his has engraved goggles. "Wait.. does that match your smily face ring?" He asks taking the bracelet out of the box.

I nod my head and help him clip it on. He twists it around and looks at it. It fits perfectly. "I love it, thank you." He leans forward and wraps his arms around my neck. I lean into the hug.

He lets go and looks back at the bracelet. "I have a chain one for Sap too, it has a little fire flame, I just wanted to give yours to you special. This seemed like the right time." I say smiling.

"It's perfect." Is all he says. "I'm kind of hungry, do you want to go home and order food? Then I can give Sap his chain." I suggest.

He nods his head and then gets off the bench. We slowly walk down the hill, hands interlocked. We get in the car and head home.

George constantly glances at his bracelet and then back at me throughout the whole ride. We get home and go inside.

"Sap! We're ordering food get your ass down here so I know what you want!" I yell up the stairs. I go into the kitchen and George is sitting at the counter on a stool on his phone.

I go up to him and lean over his shoulders and swipe on to his camera. I make a dumb face and he does the same and takes the picture. "Send that to me." I say leaning on the counter and pulling out my phone.

Sapnap walks in the room and sits down next to George on a stool. "I'm starving what are we eating." He says.

"I think i'll order some wings, I called you down so you could tell me what you want." I explain. He tells me what he wants and George does the same and I order.

"Oh Sap, Dream has something for you." George says suddenly. Sapnap looks at me confused and it takes me a minute to realize what George is talking about.

"OH. Right give me a second i'll be right back." I put my phone on the counter and go up the stairs to my room. I grab the little blue box the chain is in.

I go back downstairs and give the box to Sapnap. "Aww Dream, you're finally proposing, I was starting to think it was never going to happen." He says laughing.

I shake my head. "Just open it you big idiot." I say smiling. He opens the box and pulls out the jewelry and looks at the pendent with the little flame on it.

"Wait dude this is so sick." He says smiling and putting the chain on. "It's awesome. And Dream and I have the matching ring and bracelet." George says smiling.

"Thank you Dream, I really like it. Actually here," He pulls his phone out and open the camera and puts his chain in the view. "Put your hands in so I can see the jewelry." He continues.

George puts his hand in and I do the same. Sapnap takes the picture and smiles. My phone goes off and tells me the foods here. I go to the front door and grab the boxes and bring them into the kitchen, kicking the door closed with my foot.

Sap and George immediately go and find their food and start digging in. "Jeez guys give me a second." I say barely putting the rest of the food down.

We all eat our food and talk about new video ideas and things we could put out for fans. Sap's phone goes off and I notice that his background is now the three of us. I smile at the little change.

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