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I close the door and start the shower. I take everything off and get in. I let the warm water run down my back and take in the comforting feeling.

I wash everything and get out and turn off the water. I put on my boxers and my sweats. Shit, I forgot my shirt.

I peek my head out the door, "Dream? Do you think you can grab me a shirt?" I ask flustered. He laughs and nods his head.

I close the door and give him a minute to get me one. "Here George." He says cracking the door and sliding a dark green hoodie through.

"Thank you" I say putting it on. As I put it on i'm completely engulfed by the smell of Dream. Of course he'd give me his hoodie. I smile and walk out and see him sitting in the same spot now in a black and blue tee shirt.

I walk over to the bed and plop down next to him and put my head on his shoulder. "Thank you, again." I say.

"Of course." He says laying his head on mine. We stay there for another half an hour just watching stuff on his phone when Sapnap calls.

"Can you losers come over i'm so lonely and bored and I want to watch this movie with you guys because I know i'll shit myself watching it alone." He says. We both laugh and Dream responds. "Yes we'll be there in like 15 minutes."

"Okay, bye!" He says immediately hanging up. I laugh and shake my head. Dream groans and rolls over. "I don't want to get up." He mumbles, his face in the pillow.

"I know but Sap really wants to watch this movie." I say getting up. He rolls all the way to the edge of the bed and then gets up following me down the stairs.

"Mum i'm going to Dream's house." I say into the kitchen. She smiles and simply nods. Dream and I put on our shoes and get into his car.

"Ready to go?" He asks putting on his seatbelt. I nod and rest my arm on the center console. Dream starts driving toward his house.

A few minutes until we get to his house and he puts his arm right next to mine, slowly slipping his fingers into mine. I smile down at them and look out the window blushing.

We get to the house and before we get out of the car Dream turns to me, "You mean so much to me George." I smile, "You mean it?" I say teasingly.
He nods and smiles and then gets out of the car.

We head inside and i'm immediately greeted with a clingy Sapnap. He takes me into a tight embrace. "Uh.. hello to you too Sap." I laugh.

He lets go of the hug and holds both my shoulders, "If you ever ghost me like that again I promise I will come into your house and bother you forever." He says jokingly.. maybe.

I laugh, "I won't, i'll try not to. I'm working on it." He hugs me again. "Let's go watch this movie." He says walking into the living room that Dreams already in, comfy on the loveseat.

I sit with Sapnap on the couch and he starts the movie, which turns out to Annabelle Creation. Half way through Sapnap is practically in my lap.

"Sap, it's not that bad." I say putting my arm around him. "How?! This doll is literally like torturing these little girls!" He says pointing at the screen. I simply laugh and continue watching the movie.

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