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I lay in bed with George for the second week in a row. He literally hasn't left his bed besides to pee and he's showered maybe twice. And we went to our place and just sat in each others presence for a little bit, that's it. I'm so worried about him.

"Georgie?" I say watching my hands comb through his messy hair. He lifts his eyes up from his phone.
"Are you doing okay?" I ask.

He looks back down at his phone. "Yeah i'm fine, I wish everyone would stop asking me that." He says with a hint of.. annoyance? I lean back a little and lay my head down and go on my phone


"George, just eat this little bit, you're going to get sick." Sapnap says handing me a waffle. I shake my head, "I told you Sap, i'm not hungry." I push the plate away gently.

"Yeah, we'll you've been saying that for days and i'm going to force you to eat. You don't have an option." He says.

After a few minutes I give in. I don't know why everyone's so concerned. I'm fine. I'm also not hungry and this waffle makes me feel like i'm about to vomit.

But I eat it because Sapnap looks so desperate to make me feel better.


"Hey chat. Just came on here to talk to you guys, it's been a little longer then I wanted it to be." I say into my mic.

The chat moves faster then I can read but I catch a question, "When are we getting our Dream team stream and face reveal. I'm not sure guys. Id have to talk with Sap and George.. that's going to take a while." I say.

They don't have to know that probably won't happen because I can't get George out of his bed longer then a few hours.


I pause the show i've been binging for weeks and feel my phone vibrating. I pick it up and see my mums number across the screen. I sigh and pick up.

"Hi mum." I say. "Hi honey, I was talking to Dream, he said you weren't doing so good." She says. I roll my eyes and can already feel myself getting annoyed.

"Mum I really appreciate your concern but i'm fine." I say annoyed. She sighs. I know i'm being difficult but I don't feel motivated enough to even speak to her.


"Dude what the hell is wrong with George?" I ask Dream quietly. We're sitting in the living room and it's a few minutes away from two thirty in the morning.

"Sap, you don't think i've been trying to figure that out. He was doing so good. He's falling right back into the same cycle." He says with his voice cracking.

I look over at him and see him picking at the arm of the chair with tears in his eyes. "Come here." I say. He gets up and sits next to me on the couch. I take the blanket that was on me and put it onto his lap.

He leans into my side and I put my arm around him. "We'll help him Dream. We've done it before." I say rubbing his shoulder. We sit like this for a while.

"Sapnap what if we fail him." He says in a whisper, breaking the silence. I sigh and think for a minute. I need to be realistic.

"Dream, we will try our best. If we get to a point were we can't do something, we can get him professional help." I suggest.

He simply nods his head and lays farther into my side. "I love him." Dream whispers. I nod my head slowly. "I know."

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