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I go into George's room and try to wake him up. "George, wake up. I found this place I want to bring you to." I say gently rubbing his shoulder.

He groans and flips over to face me. He opens his eyes and smiles at me and leans forward and wraps his arms around my neck and drags me down on to his bed.

I laugh at him. "George you know I love to cuddle you but I really want to bring you somewhere and I think you'll love it." I say running my fingers repeatedly across his cheeks.

He leans his face into the warmth of my hand and smiles. "Okay fine maybe we lay down for a few more minutes." I say wrapping my free hand around his back.

I let us lay there for about ten minutes and then try to wake him up again. "Alright we're going to miss the sunrise." I get up and grab his hands and pull him up and immediately put my hands around his waist so he doesn't fall.

He sways a little and then opens his eyes. "Dream i'm not even joking I went to bed three hours ago." He says rubbing his eyes.

"I know. But you can sleep on the way, no need to get rest or anything just get in the car." I kiss him on the forehead and go down the stairs to grab my car keys.

I sit in my car for about a minute before George comes in. He immediately puts the seat back and lays down.

I laugh and start driving. I lace my fingers through George's and squeeze his hand. George takes out his phone and his eyes widen.

"Dream it's five in the morning." He wines. "I know but trust me it's going to be worth it. We'll be there in less then five minuets." I say

"Here." I say parking the car and turning it off. George sits up and looks around confused. "Where are we?" He asks getting out.

I laugh and walk around the car and take his hand in my own again. "George. You are the most impatient person i've ever met in my whole life." I say dragging him towards the hill.

"There is no way i'm going all the way up this hill." George protests. "Yes you are. It's not as hard as it looks I promise, and the top is beyond worth it." I say walking with him following me.

He groans and begrudgingly follows me. It only takes us fifteen minutes to get to the top. I tell George to close his eyes.

I put my hands over his face and bring him to the bench, the best place to see the beautiful view.


Dream puts his warm hands over my eyes and I hold mine over his. He brings me forward a couple feet and comes closer.

"Ready?" He says. I nod my head and his hands are taken off my face but go down my arms to hold my hands. It takes me a few seconds but I finally take in my surroundings.

I look around a beautiful seaside cliff. It's filled with flowers and vines and trees. There's a little swing that would probably break if sat on hanging from an old tree.

There's an old wood bench that has years of history written all over it. I look out at the sea and see the beautiful sunrise.

I then look back and Dream and see that his eyes are already on me. "This is amazing Dream." I say turning around and facing him.

He leans in and presses a soft, sweet kiss to my lips. I smile into the kiss and then pull away. "This is perfect." I whisper.

"I brought the perfect person to the perfect place." Dream says putting his hands on my hips and slowly turning me around so he can hug me from behind.

We both watch the sun rise and eventually move to the bench. He sits up and I lay on my back with my head in his lap. He plays with my hair and looks out at the sunrise.

The sun illuminates all the freckles on his face, it makes his hair look like the color of honey and his cheeks are as pink as parts of the sunset.

"You're the prettiest person i've ever seen." I say. He looks down at me and smiles. He leans down and puts his nose to mine.

"I love you." He says. He brings his face back up and looks down at me still. I smile and can't help the blush that spreads across my cheeks. "I love you too Dream."

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