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Sapnap and I are in the car waiting for George. He's telling his mom about moving in. He comes back out the front door and sticks his thumb up at us with a huge smile.

I laugh and get out of the car and Sap and I go to the door. "Yes?" I question excitedly. He nods his head and leads us all inside.

"Thankfully I have like nothing in my room so that'll be easy." George says leading us upstairs. Sapnap and I help him unplug all the things that are on his set up and move the desk to the truck we rented.

Then we take his setup and get his bed and dresser and put it in the truck too. "Anything else?" I ask getting ready to go back home. "Only a couple things, but I can get them, they're small. I'll meet you guys in the car." He says.

Sapnap and I nod and get in the truck. George comes back out with a little duffel bag that looks pretty full. He puts the bag in the back and closes it. He then runs back and hugs his mom goodbye at the door.

I smile, I love his relationship with his mom. He comes to the truck and sits in the backseat. "All good?" Sapnap asks. "Yep, we can go." George says smiling.

We drive back and it takes a few hours to set up his bed, dresser, and setup. We had to put all his clothes away and The sheets and pillows and stuff and had to set up the pc.

Once we finished we all laid on George's bed. "Thank you guys." He says. "Of course." Sapnap and I say in sync.

"I don't know about you guys but i'm exhausted." George says getting under the covers. "Me too." Sap says also getting under the covers. I laugh and do the same.

"Goodnight idiots." George says snuggling into one side of me and Sapnap doing the same on the other side. I run my hand through George's hair and let myself slowly fall asleep.

As soon as I open my eyes it's day time already. I look around and see George hugging me like a koala and Sap hanging off the bed. I grab his arm and yank him back up. He groans but settles back in.

I take out my phone and take a picture for twitter. I pull the blankets over my face and have George and Sapnap on either side of me. I post it with the caption "My bitches"


I shift and feel extremely warm. I open my eyes and look up and see Dream on his phone. He looks down at me with a loving look. "Morning Georgie." He says, his hands still in my hair like the night before.

"Morning." I say scooting closer to him. "Sleep good?" He asks. "Well apart from getting pushed off the bed and getting no blankets, pretty good." I say smiling.

He shows me a picture of the 3 of us, Sapnap and I sleeping. "You guys literally move so much in your sleep." He says. He flips on his side towards me and puts his arm around my waist.

"How are you." He says reaching over to put his phone on the side table with his face extremely close to mine. He looks at me without moving. "I'm doing a lot better." I say, my eyes going from his lips to his eyes.

"Oh yeah?" He says smiling. He leans in and kisses my nose. "I think we should give this time. Until you're 100%" He whispers. He backs away only slightly and lays his head on the same pillow as mine. I just nod and close my eyes again.

I feel his lips on my cheek and then my forehead and he wraps his arms around me tighter, bringing me closer.

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