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"What if it's a bad time?" I ask

"I think she's okay, and I know she was so eager to meet you." He says opening his door, "cmon."

I open my door and follow behind him as we get to his front door and he opens it. We walk in and George takes off his shoes and I follow, assuming that's the house rules.

"George is that you?" His mom asked.

"Yeah mum! I also brought someone for you to meet!" He yells down the hallway.

I walk into the living room and see a women who looks just like George.

"This is Dream, do you remember me telling you about him?" He asks

"Dream! I do remember! Nice to finally meet you!" She says happily embracing me.

I smile, "It's wonderful to meet you too!"

"George used to talk about you all the time!" She says and I look over at George who has a nice layer of pink lathered on his cheeks.

"Okay mum we're going upstairs." He says and I give him a questioning look.

He just nods his head towards the stairs and I take the hint. I follow him up the stairs and into a very plain room with simply a bed and a pc setup. He sits on the bed, puts his elbows on his knees and puts his head in his hands.

"Are you okay?" I ask sitting down next to him.

"She looks so much like my sister and I feel so guilty for not being around her as much but it's just too much." He explains.

"How about I distract you." I say sitting cross cross on the opposite side of his bed. He sits opposite of me in the same position.

"I want you to catch me up on your entire life since I haven't been in it and I will do the same" I say putting my hands in my lap.

We talk for hours and hours as it get dark outside. We talk about his sister, and how the boys are doing, and how he's doing mentally and what he misses.

We talk about how much we miss each other.

Oh, how I missed George.

"Do you want to stay over?" He suddenly asks.

"Of course." I say. I text Sapnap and let him know

Dream: yo i won't be home till tomorrow so u don't need to worry or anything

Sapnap: everything good?

Dream: no yeah just staying with george for the night

Sapnap: kk keep me updated
read 12:43 am

I get off George's bed and go to sit on the floor.

"What're you doing?" He asks from up on his bed.

"Going to bed? It's past my bed time Georgie." I say laying my head down on the soft rug.

"You can come up here if you want." He says shyly.

I raise my eyebrows, "Is that okay with you?" I ask.

"Well I invited you up here didn't ?" He asks with a soft smile on his face.

I smile too and get up and lay down under the blankets. He faces away from me and I face away from him.

I'm actually with George in his house in his bed, we've been friends for YEARS and i'm finally here.

But it's so much different then I imagined in my head.

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