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I back away from George and bump into Sapnap who is equally as shocked as I am.

"You're alive?!" Sapnap says breaking the silence.

George looks AWFUL. And don't get me wrong, George is probably the most beautiful human being i've ever seen, but he looks horrible. His cheeks are sunk in, he definitely hasn't shaved in a long time, and he looks skinnier and his eyes look sadder.

I want to do nothing more then hold him and whisper sweet nothings to fill whatever hole there is in his heart.

He looks between me and Sapnap with an expression that's between horror and relief.

"Dude. What the fuck you ghosted us for 3 years." Sapnap says crossing his arms.

I look back at him with wide eyes mouthing "shut the fuck up"

I look back at George, "Are you okay?"

He takes a step forward, "I know you guys hate me right now, but there's nothing more in this world that I want to do besides hug the both of you."

I needed nothing more said.

I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around Georges small frame, hoping the love I have for him seeped into him and he could feel it.

I felt Sapnap on the left of me and lifted my arm up to let him in.

"I am so, so sorry you guys." George says, sounding like he's on the verge is cracking.

I rub his back hoping to calm him down since we're literally in the middle of a grocery store. After a few minutes he calms down and wipes his eyes.

"Let's get out of here and talk somewhere else, we have a LOT to catch up on." I say.

We ask the workers to clean the rest of the mess up and apologize. George gets whatever he needed and we walk to the park across the street in silence. We all sit in the grass and just take a minute.

"George it's been 3 years" Sapnap says. This time I don't shut him up.

"I know" George answers quietly.

"Where have you been, why are you here?" Sapnap pushes.

"My sister died. My mum and I moved here" He puts his hands in his lap and puts his head down.

Okay well fuck.

I put my hand out and he slowly puts his hand into my own.

"Why didn't you talk to us? Or at least say goodbye" Sapnap keeps pushing.

"I was scared, I felt alone."

"But we've always been here for you I don't understand." He's going to push too far.

"Sapnap. I don't fucking know what to tell you. You want me to go into detail? I found my sister on her bathroom floor after she killed herself and sat and waited with her dead body until the cops came! anything else?" He snapped.

Sapnap is taken back and looks over at me.

"George I am so, so, SO beyond sorry that you had to go through that. And i'm so sorry you didn't feel like we were a safe place to come to in that time. how are you now?" I say softly

He looks at sapnap and then at me with teary eyes, "Honestly? I feel so alone and sad and I just don't know what to do with myself I feel like a zombie."

I scoot over to him and put my arms around him and hug him tight. "I know this is under bad circumstances and an odd situation but I am so fucking happy I finally met you." I whisper.

"I've been waiting so long for this" He responds.

"Can I be part of this conversation?" Sapnap whispers. We all laugh and group hug.

"Do you want a ride home George?" I offer. He nods his head, "If that's okay with you."

"Of course." I get up still holding his hand and we all walk back to my car.

We get in and I start the car. "Do you think I could maybe get your guys's numbers again?" George asks shyly.

Sapnap and I laugh softly, "Depends, are you going to block me again?" Sapnap asks jokingly.

George smiles and shakes his head.

George is back.

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