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I scroll through twitter for the third time today. I find my way onto the couch and lay on my back. After a few minutes I hear elephant like footsteps coming down the stairs.

It's quiet for a little bit and then feel the weight of another body plop down right on top of me. I scream from the sudden change of volume in the room.

"George you literally scream like a little girl." Sapnap says in the middle of his fit of laughter. I lightly punch his arm a few times to get him off.

He doesn't move and inch so I give up and scoot to the side a little to let him lay next to me. "I'm starving." He says laying his head against my shoulder.

"Me too. We should cook something." I suggest. He perks his head up and gives me a you're- an- idiot look

"What?" I ask turning my head to look at him. "You and I both know damn well we can't cook for shit." He says laughing.

"I have a better idea actually." He continues standing up. "And what's that Sapnap?" I ask sitting up and rubbing my back.

"We could order pizza." He says. I nod my head and Sap opens his phone. "Okay, Dreams card is still connected to my account and i'm too lazy to disconnect it." He says, ordering three cheese pizzas.

We play on the switch for twenty minutes until we hear the doorbell ring. We get the pizza and put it on the counter. I grab cups and get us both water. As soon as we open the box we start digging in.

"Now I get why this is Dream's favorite." I say with food in my mouth. Sapnap laughs and grabs the water I got and drinks it.

"Pizza is never not good." He says grabbing another slice. We talk for a little bit while eating and then these footsteps coming down the stairs.

Dream emerges from the hallway and smiles at me. His hair is messy from his headphones and he looks tired.

"I knew there was pizza I could smell it all the way from my room." He says walking towards us. He walks behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"How was editing?" I say leaning forward and grabbing another slice of pizza. He lets go of the grip on my waist and grabs a piece of pizza for himself.

"It was good. It took a lot longer then expected. I think the video ended up good though." He says with food in his mouth.

"Good, show me when we go back up there." I say looking down at my phone. "So who am I paying back for the pizza?" He says looking at both of us.

I snap my head up and look at Sapnap, he looks at me with the same look. We both look at Dream and he looks right back at us knowing exactly what we did.

"I hate you guys." He says with a smile on his face. We all talk for a little bit and finish the pizzas. "Alright guys, i'm going to go to bed i'm so tired from editing." Dream says sighing.

"Me too i'm so tired." I say putting my phone in my pocket. I say goodnight to Sapnap and follow Dream up the stairs and don't even bother going to brush my teeth or anything.

I plop down in my bed face first and already feel that i'm going to fall asleep immediately. I feel the edge of the bed sink in.

"Tired baby?" Dream says putting his hand on my back and running his fingers up and down gently.
The nickname gives me goosebumps. I smile and turn over. "Extremely." I say looking at him.

"I'll join you in a few minutes, i'm going to change." He says getting up and leaving the room. I change and get into comfy clothes and then slide under the covers.

Dream comes in a few minutes later and slides in right next to me. "Goodnight George." He says pulling me closer.

"Goodnight Dream." I smile and put my arms on his and lean into the comfort of him.

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