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dream, 4 years ago

I wake up and I can already feel it's going to be a shitty day. I rub my eyes and turn over to my phone and check my texts and discord. After doing that I get up and brush my teeth and put on some sweats and a t-shirt and head over to my Pc.

I told the fans i'd stream today and it seems like a good time to since i've got nothing to do. It's the middle of the day on a Saturday, so a decent amount of people should be able to join.

Before I go live I text the discord group chat named; "The hot one and dream and george"

Dream: you guys wanna join my stream? i'll probably play on the smp or we can play bedwars

Sapnap: yeah i can hop on

Dream: george?

Sapnap: he didn't answer my call earlier so i'm gonna assume he's sleeping

Still? It's 6pm for him? I ignore the bad feeling in my gut and add sap to the voice call.

"Let's get this show on the road" He says

I laugh, "Alright i'm going live now."

Me and Sap stream for about an hour and half and eventually get off because playing on the smp with only two people is only fun for so long.

We say goodbye to the stream and then goodbye to each other and hang up.

I call George hoping for an answer but get nothing.

I hope he's okay.

dream, 3 years ago

It's been 3 weeks and not a single word from George.

Obviously twitter is asking where he is and no one has any answers because no one genuinely knows.
He hasn't answered anyone or even been online since I last called him.

I asked his childhood friend, who actually knows him in real life, if she knows anything and she said she hasn't heard a word. There's nothing I can really do besides continue streaming with friends and making content while I wait for him.

george, 3 years ago

The shittiest thing about this is I don't even want to talk to my friends. I don't even feel bad about leaving them hanging.

I don't think if I even wanted to apologize I could. I haven't been able to move for a week. I have not moved out of this position in my bed for a whole week.

I've slept all day and night, and when i'm not sleeping, i'm thinking. Thinking about how maybe I could have prevented it, how could I have comforted her? She acted like she was okay? Did I miss any signs? Were there any?

I don't have any other ideas then to sit in this bed and rot.

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