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(song suggestion: War of hearts by Ruelle)


I haven't talked to George in over a month. I think it's time we talk. I open my phone and press on his name. It rings so long I think he won't pick up.

"Hello?" His voice causes an immediate flush in my cheeks and a smile to my face until I remember the circumstances of the call.

"Hey. Do you maybe wanna meet somewhere and talk?" I ask quickly, afraid of the answer. He takes a minute to answer.

"Yeah. When and where?" He asks. "We can go to that place I took you one time, and now if you want." I ask hoping he knows where i'm talking about.

"See you there." He says before hanging up. I can already tell this is going to be bad. I put my phone down on my bed and go in to the bathroom and fix my hair.

I change into some sweats and a hoodie I borrowed from Sapnap. I grab my keys and send a quick text to Sap and tell him i'll be back later with food.

I then get in my car and drive to the spot. I climb up the hill i've climbed many times, except George was with me. I get to the top and see him already sitting on the bench with his knees to his chest looking at the beginning of a beautiful sunset.

I sit next to him and look at him. He looks so tired, there's bags under his eyes and he's definitely lost some weight. His hair is messy and it looks like he hasn't shaved in a while.

"Take a picture. Make it last longer." He says sarcastically. He sounds different too. So much sadder.

I smily sadly and look back out to the sunset. We sit in each others presence like all the other times before. It's not as comforting this time.

"We don't work Dream." George whispers, still looking out at the sunset. I sigh and keep my focus on the pinks and purple and not the orange on George's face that bring out his freckles and pink cheeks.

"I know. But I want us to." I whisper back. "But we don't." He says. I lay a little farther back into the bench, I know how this conversation is going to end.

"I read this book once. It was about a boy and girl and they had such a similar relationship to you and I. I thought it was going so well and then the book ended up sad. At the end, the boy said 'good things must come to an end.' And I thought it was just a dumb romance book. I understand now, I just didn't know that that's how our story would end too." George says.

I look over at him with tears streaming down my cheeks. I didn't even realize I was crying, I notice he is too. "I love you." I whisper so quietly i'm not even sure he heard me.

"I know you do." He whispers back. "Take care of Sapnap, Dream. He's going to need you." He says getting up. I simply nod and let him walk away.

I squeeze my eyes and let the tears create stains across my cheeks.

And here we are, back to being strangers, strangers who stare at each other a second too long.

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