26 - Students vs. Teachers

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Trigger Warning: This chapter contains themes of sexual harassment and explicit and suggestive content. Reader discretion is advised.


-Tatsuya's POV-

After three intense days of written exams, the air buzzed with tension and anticipation for the practical portion. Among us, Hagakure, Kaminari, and Ashido radiated a newfound confidence, their diligent efforts in extra study sessions with me and Yaoyorozu promising positive outcomes in their test scores.

Gathered at U.A.'s Central Plaza, our class presented a united front, each of us clad in our distinctive hero costumes. Before us stood Aizawa and the other first-year teachers, their watchful gazes adding a layer of seriousness to the occasion.

"Now then, let's begin the last test," Mr. Aizawa announced, his words cutting through the air with a no-nonsense tone. "Remember, it's possible to fail this final. If you wanna go to camp, then don't make any stupid mistakes."

"Uh, why are all the teachers here?" Jiro wondered.

"I knew it..." I thought with a deadpan expression.

"I expect many of you have gathered information and believe you have some idea of what you'll be faced with today," Mr. Aizawa continued, his gaze sweeping across the assembled students.

"We're fighting those big ol' metal robots!" Kaminari burst out with an exclamation.

"Fireworks! S'mores! Here we come, camp!" Ashido cheered, her enthusiasm evident in the energetic thrust of her fist.

"Actually, this year's tests..." a voice from Aizawa's binding cloth spoke before Principal Nezu popped out. "will be completely different for various reasons!"

"Principal Nezu?!" Jiro, Ojiro, and Sero echoed in surprise while Kaminari and Ashido visibly stiffened, anticipating an unexpected twist.

"You're changing things?" Yaoyorozu nervously asked, uncertainty etching her voice.

"The tests now have a new focus. There will be hero work, of course, but there will also be teamwork and combat between actual people," Nezu explained, sliding off the tired teacher's shoulder. "So what does that mean for you? You students will work together in pairs, and your opponents will be one of our esteemed U.A. teachers! Isn't that fabulous?!"

"We're... fighting the teachers?" Uraraka asked, the collective gasp of the entire class, excluding myself, echoing the surprise at this unexpected twist.

"Additionally, your partners and opponents have already been chosen. They were determined at my discretion, based on various factors, including fighting style, grades, and interpersonal relationships," Mr. Aizawa added to clarify before looking at Todoroki and Yaoyorozu with a rare mischievous grin. "First, Yaoyorozu and Todoroki are a team against me."

He then glanced at Izuku and Bakugo. "Then we have Midoriya paired with Bakugo. And their opponent is..." He paused to increase suspense until All Might fell from the sky before them.

"I am here to fight!"

"We're up against All Might?!" Izuku and Bakugo exclaimed in matching shock. I could already feel pity for Izuku, given the circumstances of going against his idol with the one person who wouldn't cooperate with anyone.

"You're going to have to work together, boys, if you want to win!" All Might said.

"And now, let's announce the teams and the teachers they'll be fighting in order!" Principal Nezu declared, building anticipation among the students.

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