20 - Battle of the Alphas

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Trigger Warning: This chapter contains mentions of scars, which people may find distressing. Reader discretion is advised. Also, please take care of yourself and seek support if needed.


-3rd Person POV-

The only thing people could talk about was the wolf boy's victory. The fact that the number two hero's son lost before the finals would indeed generate a great deal of speculation, which Endeavor was furious about because it caused his Quirk to emit heat in response to his rage.

Since Todoroki was out of commission from Tatsuya's last attack, they had to rely on Cementoss to remove the ice from the arena without having any chunks falling on the audience, so it was going to take a while. As this happened, the other students talked about how the wolf boy's fighting style became more brutal as the competition progressed.

With Ashido, it was about the same as his fight in combat training. But in his battle with Iida, Tatsuya practically broke the turbo-legged boy's nose when he drew blood from the headbutt to the face to escape his opponent's attempt to throw him out of the ring. And with Todoroki, he brought the claws to the fight, leading up to the dual-haired boy just about to attack with his flames, something Tatsuya had been waiting for since the combat training.

As Izuku said, he wanted to defeat his opponents at the top of their strength. So, he wouldn't take someone he considered his equal holding back too lightly. One could only imagine how our protagonist felt when his opponent was about to give him everything he had before immediately stopping to end up taking a K.O. punch to the face.

Despite the vigorous cheering from the crowd, things were calm for the two contenders as the nursery robots escorted the unconscious Todoroki away to the infirmary. Strangely enough, Tatsuya's disbelief suddenly went to neutral before he stepped off the arena, which concerned Izuku since he'd known the wolf boy for many years. But he couldn't dwell on it for too long—the next thing he knew, Bakugo and Tokoyami's battle was getting underway.


-Tatsuya's POV-

I knew one thing for certain: I didn't want to be in the same room with Todoroki right now. With each step, a fierce scowl etched itself onto my face, matching the intensity of my emotions. The mere thought of facing him sent a surge of anger coursing through me, propelling me forward with a determined stride. As I hastened through the stadium hallway towards my waiting room, I couldn't shake the overwhelming sense of fury that engulfed me.

As memories flooded back, I recalled vividly Todoroki's resolute words echoing through the waiting room, his determination palpable even in the tense atmosphere before the festival began. "Everyone witnessed your skill with martial arts in the combat training and against that monster meant to kill All Might, but even with All Might in your corner as well, you can only go so far," his voice reverberated in my mind, each word carrying the weight of his conviction. I could almost feel the intensity of his gaze as he spoke, his unwavering resolve etched into every syllable.

Then, the recollection shifted, transporting me to a hallway near one of the exits, where Bakugo's voice cut through the air like a blade, sharp and merciless. "Y'know, if you really wanna be a hero that badly, there actually might be another way. Just pray that you'll be born with a Quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off of the roof of the building!" His words, dripping with disdain and arrogance, echoed in my ears, a reminder of his scornful dismissal of Izuku's dreams.

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