14 - Cavalry Battle

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-Tatsuya's POV-

"Now, you've got fifteen minutes to build your teams," Midnight declared as a hologram with a timer set to fifteen minutes appeared behind her. "I recommend you get started!"

As the countdown began, the others quickly sought out their friends or selected people with powerful Quirks. A small group crowded around Bakugo, hoping to join his team. I glanced at Izuku to see him sweating bullets at the evident fact that everyone was avoiding him like the plague. I couldn't say I blamed him, as he was the one everyone would be going for when the game started.

Unfortunately, his social skills were also not the greatest, so things would be difficult for him if he didn't act right now. With that in mind, I walked up to Izuku and gave him a light chop to the head.

"It's better to be planning than standing around doing nothing," I replied, my face deadpan as he soothed the spot where I had struck him.

"Right..." Izuku calmed down after that and glanced around briefly. "Um... Tatsuya, do you want to team up?"

"Sorry, but no," I replied with a melancholic smile as my ears drooped slightly. "It's not that I don't want to join you, but if you keep following me, you'll never get stronger."

"That's not true! I—" I held up a hand to cut him off.

"Izuku, listen. You said it yourself: We'll all have to fight to stand out. You wanted to aim for the top as well, right?" He nodded in response. "Bakugo and Todoroki made their challenges to us, but they're not the only ones who see you as a rival." I held out a fist with a confident smirk. "I want to see you in the next round. Make sure you give this one everything you got."

Izuku's expression carried a thoughtful demeanor as if he were contemplating my words. Eventually, he responded with a determined nod, his agreement evident. With that understanding passing between us, he extended his fist to meet mine in a firm, resolute fist bump.

I could sense Uraraka making her way to Izuku, so I took it as my cue to leave. I glanced around the place, noticing that people were also avoiding me like the plague. Teams were forming all around, and I caught sight of Hagakure engaged in conversation with Sato and Jiro.

Amidst the murmur of activity, a sharp whistle pierced the air, seeking to catch my attention. "Here, boy."

I shifted my gaze toward the source, my expression morphing into a frown as my eyes settled on the Aizawa wannabe who had boldly declared war on our class. The distinct aroma surrounding him carried an unmistakable air of malicious intent, perfectly mirroring the wide smirk etched on his face. "Wanna join my team?" he asked.

Trusting my instincts to read the undercurrents of this guy's aura, I locked my gaze on him. The ambiance he exuded was far from innocuous, prompting my heightened vigilance. I met his presence with a stoic expression, a façade that concealed my readiness for any verbal or confrontational exchanges. For the moment, my silence spoke volumes, a deliberate choice to withhold a response as I assessed the situation.

"Something wrong?" Despite his inquiry, I remained steadfastly silent, maintaining an unyielding stare that seemed to irk him gradually. His frustration became palpable as he prodded impatiently, demanding a reaction from me. Yet, I chose to resist, a faint smirk threatening to betray my inner amusement as his facade of control began to crumble. "Are you going to say something?" His tone grew more insistent, edged with exasperation.

In response, I merely shook my head, a subtle gesture that spoke volumes in itself. The tension between us crackled like electricity, his impatience clashing against my deliberate restraint. "Answer me, damn it!" His voice, laced with frustration, echoed in the charged atmosphere, a stark reminder of the power struggle unfolding before us.

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