30 - Test of Courage

177 8 2

-3rd Person POV-

To characterize it merely as training would be an understatement for the students. Given the diverse Quirks at play, this camp demanded a training regimen far beyond the ordinary. Each Quirk operated uniquely, presenting a challenge that a conventional routine couldn't adequately address.

Just as muscle fibers require stress to grow stronger, Quirks need to be pushed beyond their limits to unlock their full potential. This process is akin to breaking down and rebuilding, allowing the Quirk to emerge more powerful than before. This approach isn't merely about honing existing abilities; it is about pushing boundaries and uncovering new depths of strength within each student's Quirk.

In Tatsuya's case, since he was well-utilized in close-quarters combat, he would have to improve his senses of hearing and smell. How are the Pussycats helping him train those? Well...

A whine escaped the wolf boy's mouth as he covered his ears in a feeble attempt to block out sound waves from giant speakers on both sides of his training area. The relentless assault of noise was meant to overwhelm him, pushing his hearing to its limits and beyond.

The volume seemed to increase with each passing moment, resonating through his skull like a thunderous drumbeat. Yet amidst the deafening roar, he knew he had to listen for something specific, a subtle cue buried within the noise.

As he scanned his surroundings, Tatsuya's gaze was thwarted by the thick veil of perfume that saturated the air, clawing at his senses and stinging his eyes until they welled with tears. The overpowering scent enveloped him like a suffocating fog, obscuring his vision and clouding his thoughts. Each breath he drew in was a struggle against the onslaught of floral fragrance that threatened to choke him.

Yet, amidst the overpowering scent, faint traces of another odor lingered—a hint of excessive enthusiasm that he strained to detect. It was a challenge to sift through the chaos and pinpoint the subtle nuances hidden within.

"Try and find me, Akiba!" a bright, cheerful voice called out from outside the veil of perfume, cutting through the oppressive atmosphere with a ray of optimism.

Only faintly hearing that amidst the overwhelming noise, Tatsuya uttered an annoyed growl, his frustration amplified by the overwhelming sensory assault he endured. With determined steps, he set off in one direction; his senses honed to seek out the voice's elusive source amidst the swirling miasma of perfume.


As the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the training grounds, the class gradually returned to the main facility, their bodies weary and minds buzzing with the echoes of the day's exertions. Each step was laden with the weight of exhaustion, a testament to their relentless effort into their training regimes. As they arrived, their fatigue was met with a warm welcome from Pixie-Bob and her teammate, Ragdoll.

Ragdoll, distinguished by the playful pink marks adorning her cheeks like whiskers and a matching circle around her right eye, greeted them with a mischievous grin. Her vibrant energy contrasted with the students' weary expressions, injecting a sense of liveliness into the atmosphere.

Before them, wooden tables were laden with an array of kitchen utensils and ingredients, promising an adventure in culinary creation.

"Now, remember what I said? We're not serving your food anymore!" Pixie-Bob's voice rang out, laced with playful authority, as she addressed the tired but attentive students.

"If you guys want to eat, you'll have to make your own meals, starting with curry!" Ragdoll chimed in, her voice infused with enthusiasm and anticipation.

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