19 - No More Fooling Around

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-3rd Person POV-

As the arena underwent repairs following the intense battles, a temporary lull settled over the semi-final proceedings, granting Izuku and Iida the opportunity to reunite with their classmates in the stands. Amidst the buzzing atmosphere of anticipation and excitement, the members of Class 1-A gathered together, their eager energy palpable in the air.

"Deku, Iida!" Uraraka's voice rang out with warmth and excitement as she spotted their arrival, drawing the attention of Hagakure, Tsu, Mineta, and Ojiro, who joined in the welcoming chorus.

"Hey, guys. Glad to see you back, Midoriya," Tsu greeted with a friendly smile, her words reflecting a sense of relief at seeing her friend in good spirits.

"Yeah. Recovery Girl healed me enough to walk," Izuku confirmed, moving past Uraraka with purpose, settling himself between her and Ojiro. Iida followed suit, taking a seat on Ojiro's other side.

"Sure, but shouldn't you be taking it easy?" Uraraka asked, her concern for her friend's well-being clear.

"I want to watch these matches in person. This is where everyone's efforts are finally going to pay off," Izuku asserted, his determination shining through in his words. Casting a quick, slightly awkward smile towards Uraraka, he added, "Plus, I kinda owe it to Tatsuya since I didn't watch his first fight with Todoroki."


As he navigated the winding corridors of U.A. High School, Tatsuya's mind buzzed with potential strategies for his upcoming match against Todoroki. Despite the neutral expression he wore, inwardly, a surge of anticipation coursed through him, eager for the impending battle to commence. Tatsuya was hoping for the dual-haired boy to use his flames in the match as he did with Izuku, or else... he wouldn't know what he would do.

When he reached an intersection in the corridor, his thought process was interrupted by an imposing scent of flames in the air. It was similar to Todoroki's but still different. His train of thought derailed as a figure with a flaming beard loomed before him, exuding an aura of passive aggression that did not escape Tatsuya's notice.

"Endeavor..." Tatsuya's attempt to mask his lack of amusement was evident, his mood soured by the unexpected encounter with the flame hero.

"Ah, I was looking for you." Emerging from around the corner, Endeavor's commanding presence immediately seized the wolf boy's attention, halting his progress through the corridor. Tatsuya regarded the approaching hero with a mixture of caution and curiosity, uncertain of the purpose behind Endeavor's unexpected appearance.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing the number two hero?" Tatsuya's inquiry was laced with subtle sarcasm, a hint of skepticism underscoring his words. Despite his attempt at levity, Endeavor remained undeterred, gesturing toward him with a pointed expression that demanded attention.

"I watched your match with the Iida hei," Endeavor remarked, his tone carrying a hint of begrudging admiration. "Your reflexes and ability to adapt in combat are commendable. It compensates for your perceived lack of raw power." The hero's assessment was delivered with a biting edge, punctuated by a snide remark that elicited a visible reaction from the wolf boy, a twitch of irritation manifesting on his forehead.

"If that's all you're going to say, then I should be going," Tatsuya claimed with an insincere smile as he walked around the flame hero toward the arena.

"You look like someone I knew," Endeavor pointed out, making the wolf boy stop in place without turning around. "He was a good hero, but he thinks too much like All Might. It's a shame he was killed off; he probably could've been as great as me."

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