13 - Start The Sports Festival

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-3rd Person POV-

As the sun rose on the morning of the festival, casting a warm glow over the bustling city streets, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. For Tatsuya, however, the excitement of the upcoming event was overshadowed by the lingering aftermath of his confrontation with Monoma. In the days that followed, he withdrew into himself, seeking solace in solitary training sessions rather than engaging in conversation with his classmates.

The change in his demeanor did not go unnoticed among his peers, whispers of concern following him wherever he went. Though well-intentioned, their sympathetic glances only served to deepen his frustration, fueling his desire to retreat further into solitude.

As Tatsuya stood at the threshold of his home, preparing to embark on the day's festivities, Inko lingered beside him, her expression a delicate tapestry of conflicting emotions. There was pride in her eyes as she watched her son, dressed in his uniform, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

"Izuku, Tatsuya, please be careful and don't get hurt," Inko implored, her voice tinged with maternal worry.

"We won't," Izuku reassured her with a gentle smile, his determination shining through as he exchanged a glance with Tatsuya, who nodded in silent agreement.

"I'll record the whole festival in HD! Do your best, boys," Inko declared, her tone infused with a blend of encouragement and maternal affection.

With a nod of understanding, the wolf boy placed a reassuring hand on Izuku's shoulder, offering him a supportive smile. "We've got this," he affirmed, his voice filled with confidence as they prepared to embark on their day's journey.

With a shared sense of determination, Izuku and Tatsuya exchanged a nod before stepping through the doorway, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them at the festival grounds. As they ventured forth into the bustling streets, the promise of adventure and excitement hung in the air, their spirits buoyed by the unwavering support of family and friends


As Izuku and Tatsuya approached U.A., vibrant bursts of fireworks illuminated the sky, casting a colorful spectacle against the evening's backdrop. The bustling crowd at the entrance greeted them, their chatter and excitement palpable in the air. Aware of the need to avoid any potential confrontations, the duo opted for a different route inside, navigating through the throng of festival-goers with ease.

Once inside, Izuku wasted no time in changing into his P.E. uniform, his anticipation building as he prepared for the day's events. As he made his way to the designated waiting room, he was greeted by the sight of his classmates, each one brimming with a unique energy and enthusiasm for the festivities ahead. Some were engaged in animated conversations, their voices rising above the hum of the crowd, while others focused intently on mentally preparing themselves for their upcoming performances.

The atmosphere within the waiting room was a microcosm of the diverse student body at U.A., with a myriad of emotions swirling through the air. Excitement mingled with nervous anticipation as the students awaited their turn to showcase their talents on stage. Izuku observed his peers, noting the varying degrees of readiness and apprehension etched across their faces.

"Aw, man, I was totally hoping I could wear my costume," Ashido complained as she fiddled with the fabric of her uniform.

"At least everyone will be in uniforms. That'll keep things fair, right?" Ojiro assured her as he was doing some stretches.

"I wonder what they have in store for us in the first round," Sato mused aloud.

"No matter what they've prepared, we must persevere," Tokoyami stated firmly, his dark silhouette standing out amidst the group, his resolve unwavering. Shoji nodded in agreement, his silent affirmation a testament to their shared determination.

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