16 - Grand Bout: Part 2

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-Tatsuya's POV-

My battle with Ashido was a tough one. I know it's a bad idea to exert myself, considering that I might face Todoroki eventually, but I was not planning on throwing a match because of my morals against hitting a girl. She certainly didn't make things easy for me, but I couldn't ask for anything more in a good battle.

I was carrying an unconscious Ashido to the infirmary after the match ended. I knew that Present Mic said to bring on the injuries since they have Recovery Girl on standby, but I couldn't help but be concerned since she might have a concussion from the suplex, for all I know. They can be a game-changer to a person's life for the worse, and I didn't want her career to be over before it even started.

"Ah, I didn't think I'd see you here so soon," Recovery Girl commented as I walked in after somehow opening the door with Ashido still in my arms.

"From which side of that match? Anyway, I've brought something for you," I gestured toward the pink-skinned girl before putting her in one of the beds.

"I saw what you did in that last fight. It was risky using that type of technique," Recovery Girl remarked, referring to my finishing move.

"I know. Honestly, a part of me wanted to hold back because I didn't like the idea of hitting a girl," I admitted with a sigh as I averted my gaze from her. "I'm not saying that Ashido or any of the girls in my class are weak, far from it. I just have my reasons..."

"It's because of your time with the Shikaku Renmei, is it?" My eyes widened with shock as I looked back at the elder heroine's soft gaze.

"How did you-?" I began, my voice trailing off in astonishment, but she cut me off before I could finish, her tone calm and matter-of-fact.

"It's in your medical record," she explained, her words sending a shiver down my spine as I felt the weight of the past bearing down on me once more. She walked up to me and, considering her stature, put her hand on my lower arm. "I know it was a hard time, Akiba, but look at how far you have come since then. By becoming a great hero, you can save other children from going through what you have."

An awkward silence enveloped the room as I could only look away from Recovery Girl while taking in what she said. What she said was true, but I wasn't comfortable bringing up my past at all. Izuku and All Might were different cases because something told me to trust them about it. I'm not sure what made me do it or why, but I did not regret telling them. I knew Recovery Girl was a trusted doctor, but this is a subject that I want to avoid bringing up at any point in time, unlike Todoroki.

Before either of us could speak further about it, a soft groan broke through the tension, drawing both of our gazes towards Ashido. Her body stirred, limbs shifting as her eyes fluttered open, revealing a hint of confusion beneath the grogginess.

"Hello, deary," Recovery Girl's voice cut through the air, her tone carrying a blend of warmth and reassurance as she greeted the awakening girl.

"Hiya, sleepy," I chimed in, my attempt at nonchalance masking the underlying concern that lingered from our earlier discussion, my smile strained but determined as I willed the atmosphere to lighten.

"Huh? Where am I...?" Ashido's voice was laced with confusion as she slowly took in her surroundings, her brows furrowing slightly as she attempted to piece together the fragments of memory that filtered through the haze of sleep.

"You're in the infirmary. This one carried you all the way here since you were unconscious," Recovery Girl pointed out, nodding in my direction.

Ashido's eyes flickered in my direction, and I sensed the weight of her gaze before I even met it. A light blush tinged her cheeks, adding a delicate flush to her features. I shifted uncomfortably, feeling the heat rise in my own cheeks, a subtle embarrassment creeping into my demeanor.

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