22 - Predator or Prey

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-Tatsuya's POV-

"What's up, Akiba? What did you get?" I sensed Ashido and Ojiro about to peer over my shoulder to look at my list.

"I'll tell you guys later!" I quickly replied, immediately slapping it facedown on my desk. I felt the confused gazes coming off Ashido and Ojiro, but luckily, Uraraka chimed in before anyone could say anything about it.

"Hey, Deku, who's on your list?" Uraraka asked, her question directed at Izuku.

I turned to see him in another one of his muttering sessions. I wouldn't blame him, as he had almost a thousand offers to look through. I was about to throw a paper ball at him to get his attention, but he snapped out of it before I could wind up my arm.

"Huh? Oh, sorry. What'd you guys say?" Izuku asked, with a tinge of red on his cheeks. 

"You're really thinking hard about this, aren't you?" Tsu asked as the group approached Izuku's desk.

"It'll all work out. I've settled on my pick," Uraraka declared, her voice brimming with determination, her eyes reflecting a sense of purpose that radiated through her words.

"Already?" Ashido asked, genuine surprise evident in her tone as she leaned in, eager to hear more.

"What agency?" Ojiro inquired, curiosity etching his features.

"The one that the Battle Hero, Gunhead, runs," Uraraka replied, turning her head to face Ojiro.

"Gunhead's a big brawler, though," Izuku pointed out, his analytical nature coming to the forefront. "Are you sure that's where you wanna intern, Uraraka?" His eyes held a mix of concern and genuine curiosity.

"Yup! He sent me an offer," she declared confidently, throwing a punch in the air to emphasize her conviction. The optimism in her voice hinted at the excitement she felt about this upcoming opportunity.

"But weren't you gonna try being a hero more focused on rescuing, like Thirteen?" Hagakure asked as we joined the conversation.

"Ultimately, that's the plan, but I've been thinking ever since the festival—well, at least since I faced off against Bakugo," Uraraka started, spreading her legs into a fighting stance while holding her fist out in front of her as a punch. "The stronger I am, the more possibilities I'll have. Plus, learning from a battle hero will give me a different perspective, right?"

"That's an interesting way of thinking, Uraraka," I remarked, a note of admiration in my tone as I flashed her a thumbs-up. "I'd say go for it!"

"Thanks, Akiba," she responded, a faint tinge of red over her cheeks' normal pink color before she turned toward Izuku. "More importantly, there's something I've been meaning to ask you all day. Why are you trembling?"

"Oh, this? It's exercise," Izuku clarified, and as I crouched down to get a better look, I realized he wasn't seated on the chair but rather holding his body slightly above it, a display of physical prowess that spoke volumes.

"Exercise?" Uraraka exclaimed in surprise, her eyes widening with disbelief. "Were you doing that during the whole class?"

"There's no way!" Ashido said, her voice expressing a mix of awe and disbelief.

"That's an old-fashioned way to train," Mineta remarked rather sullenly from behind Izuku's desk.

"Old but effective," I countered knowingly, acknowledging the tried-and-true nature of Izuku's unconventional training methods.

"That's right; the isometric muscle concentration needed to hold your body above your seat makes it an easy way to work out without moving," Ojiro added, his voice carrying a hint of enthusiasm.

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