18 - Quarter Finals

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-3rd Person POV-

As he descended to the entrance hall, Tatsuya's footsteps echoed against the walls, the sound mingling with the solemn atmosphere that hung heavy in the air. His heart sank as he witnessed Izuku being taken away by the robots on a stretcher, his adoptive brother's prone form a stark reminder of the perilous nature of their chosen path. All Might stood nearby, his typically vibrant demeanor muted by worry, his gaze fixed on Izuku's motionless figure with a sense of somber resignation.

The wolf boy's instincts propelled him forward, urgency coursing through his veins as he hurried to be by his adoptive brother's side. But before he could reach Izuku, All Might intercepted him, a solemn expression etched across his features. "He's unconscious, Young Akiba. For now, please go back to your—"

"Forget it!" Tatsuya's voice cut through the air like a blade, his eyes ablaze with determination as he locked gazes with the pro hero. "I'm not going anywhere until I know he's alright!" His words carried the weight of unwavering loyalty and fierce protectiveness, a testament to the depth of his bond with Izuku and his unwavering resolve to stand by his side through every trial and tribulation.

When All Might realized that Tatsuya was not backing down, he sighed, and the tension between them eased. The uneasy silence followed as the two struggled to find words to say while walking to the makeshift office. The Number-One Hero glanced over to see Tatsuya's ears drooped as he held a guilty look on his face from giving Izuku the idea to charge OFA all over his body, which the wolf boy thought was how Izuku ended up damaging his body the way he did.

As they approached the door, Tatsuya's steps faltered slightly as All Might's hand gently settled on his shoulder, halting his movement with unexpected tenderness. The wolf boy turned, surprise flickering across his features as the pro hero began to ruffle his hair with a paternal gesture. A mixture of confusion and discomfort washed over Tatsuya, his muscles tensing at the unexpected contact. "W-What are you-?"

"I don't blame you for being concerned about your brother, Young Akiba." All Might's warm and reassuring voice broke through the awkward tension, his smile a beacon of comfort amidst the uncertainty. "It implies that you value your friends and family so much." His words carried a gentle understanding, a recognition of the deep bonds that tethered them all together in times of adversity.

The corridor fell into a hushed stillness, the weight of All Might's words lingering in the air as Tatsuya absorbed their significance. A flicker of realization danced across his expression, a silent acknowledgment of the truth in the hero's observation. With a small, grateful smile, Tatsuya met All Might's gaze, a glint of appreciation shining in his eyes as he reached out to grasp the door handle. "Thanks." His voice, though soft, carried a depth of sincerity, a quiet gratitude for the wisdom and support offered by the Symbol of Peace himself.

When Tatsuya swung open the door, he was met with a scene that clenched his heart with worry. Izuku lay on the bed, his face contorted in pain, his left leg bearing a sizable burn where the fabric of his pants had been singed away. Recovery Girl hovered nearby, her expression stern as she tended to the injuries of the broccoli-haired boy, wrapping his arms in tight bandages.

"The bones in your right arm were shattered. I'm afraid it'll never be the same as it was before," Recovery Girl's scolding tone filled the room, eliciting gasps from Tatsuya and All Might as guilt washed over the wolf boy's features once more. "I need to remove the bone fragments, or they'll get stuck in your joints. I'll heal you afterward," she sighed, her gaze shifting to meet All Might's as Tatsuya leaned against the wall, his arms crossed, his attention fixed on the conversation unfolding before him.

"You lit a fire under this child and pushed him too hard. Look at what he's done to make you proud... I don't like it one bit; you're going too far, you hear? You and the boy. Don't praise him for what he's done today," Recovery Girl's reprimand was stern, her words laden with concern for Izuku's well-being and frustration at the perceived recklessness of both mentor and student.

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