29 - Training Camp

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-Tatsuya's POV-

The day of the long-awaited training camp had finally arrived, and a buzz of excitement permeated the air as my classmates and I gathered at the front of the campus, eagerly anticipating the commencement of our summer adventure.

"Now that you've completed your first semester at U.A. High," Mr. Aizawa's voice cut through the chatter, drawing our attention, "it's time for your summer vacation to officially begin." His words carried a sense of gravity, a reminder that our journey toward heroism knew no breaks. "However, don't think these will be months of rest for you heroes-in-the-making. At this camp, we'll push you to go beyond your limits. You're aiming to become 'Plus Ultra!'"

"I'm so psyched!" Hagakure exclaimed, bounding up to me with uncontainable enthusiasm. "I've been looking forward to this camp all semester, Akiba!"

"In just a moment's time, we will be getting stronger, inching closer to our goal of becoming true heroes," I declared, a determined glint shining in my eyes as I clenched my fist, mirroring the excitement radiating from my classmates. "I'm looking forward to it."

I noticed that I was feeling better overall after our little chat in the locker room. I had no idea whether it was because I wanted to talk about it for a while or because I chose to trust Hagakure with a glimpse into my backstory.

However, as I mulled over our discussion, Mr. Aizawa's words echoed in my mind, casting doubt over the burgeoning trust between Hagakure and me. The insinuation that our bond might extend to something more intimate left me flustered and conflicted. While I cherished our growing friendship, I couldn't shake the uncertainty of where our relationship might lead.

"Is something wrong?" Hagakure's voice cut through the haze of my thoughts, drawing my attention back to the present. Her gentle inquiry carried a note of concern, evident even in the subtle shifts of her scent. It was clear that she had noticed the furrow that creased my brow.

"No, I was just..." I trailed off into a hesitant murmur. Sensing the need for discretion, I glanced around discreetly, ensuring our conversation remained private before leaning closer to her. "I was thinking about our last conversation."

Hagakure let out a hum as a subtle shift in her scent hinted at the confusion that underscored her genuine curiosity. "Are you having second thoughts about telling me?" she ventured, her voice laced with gentle concern.

With a solemn shake of my head, I dispelled any doubt that may have lingered in her words. "No," I assured her, my tone imbued with sincerity as I met her invisible gaze. "I just wish I could have an easier time telling you the full story and not a small part of it."

"Hey, don't worry about it," Hagakure said warmly. "It doesn't matter to me how big or small the information was. I'm just grateful you were willing to share it with me."

A rush of warmth flooded my cheeks at her words, catching me off guard with their sincerity and kindness. Unable to meet her invisible gaze, I averted my eyes, feeling embarrassment and gratitude swirling within me.

"Hey, what's the matter?" she inquired, her concern evident in the soft lilt of her voice.

"I-I'm just a little hot, is all," I stammered, the words escaping in a nervous rush as I tugged at my collar, a feeble attempt to conceal my flushed cheeks.

I sensed Hagakure's curious yet puzzled gaze lingering on me, her unseen presence a silent observer of my unease. Then, I heard a subtle gasp, followed by a shift in her scent—a delicate blend of surprise and embarrassment—that hung between us.


"Let's hear it for camp!" Uraraka's sudden outburst filled the air, her voice ringing with unbridled enthusiasm as she interrupted Hagakure. A flush of crimson painted her face as she, Ashido, and Kaminari erupted into a chorus of cheers and chants, their excitement palpable.

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