24 - Past Echoes and Present Trials

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-Tatsuya's POV-

My return to consciousness was gradual; the world around me was initially a blur of unfamiliar shapes and muted colors. The sharp scent of antiseptic stung my nostrils, and the distant hum of machinery echoed in my ears. Disorientation clouded my thoughts as I tried to piece together my surroundings. My shoulder throbbed with pain as awareness slowly seeped in, and I recognized the sterile atmosphere of a hospital room as my gaze shifted to the bandaged wound on my shoulder.

My thoughts were interrupted by a clicking sound as the door swung open. A doctor entered, his white coat billowing slightly with each step. The fluorescent lights above glinted off his glasses, casting a sharp glimmer in his eyes as he took notice of my conscious state.

"I see you're awake," he said, conveying professional reassurance. His gaze flickered toward the IV drip by the bedside, his gloved hands moving with practiced precision. A sense of déjà vu washed over me, the scene feeling strangely familiar, like a disjointed dream that refused to fade. "Honestly, you woke up much sooner than I thought."

"How long have I been out?" I managed to croak, curiosity mingling with the raspiness in my voice.

"Just a little over twelve hours," he replied, his pen scratching across a clipboard at the foot of the bed. His tone was measured, a blend of clinical detachment and genuine concern. "You were very lucky we could get the antivenom in time, my boy." The weight of his words settled in, the gravity of the situation sinking in as I tried to piece together the events that led me to this hospital bed.

"Antivenom..." My voice trailed off, uncertainty clawing at my consciousness like a persistent nightmare, leaving me in a state of disoriented bewilderment. "Wait, what happened at the scene? Where am I, exactly?"

"Easy there, sir," the doctor said, his voice calm and soothing as he adjusted the stethoscope around his neck. His eyes, framed by glasses, held a gentle reassurance as he continued, "You're safe now. You're in the hospital. Can you recall what happened?"

I took another deep breath to steady my racing thoughts amidst the sterile hospital scent permeating the room. The memories began to trickle back like pieces of a fragmented puzzle slowly assembling in my mind. "Mirko and I were on a mission in Nerima-Ku," I started, my words cautious as I navigated the fog of recollection. "There was a disturbing pattern of killings every few weeks, and we tracked down the suspects."

"You mentioned 'suspects,' plural. There was more than one?" The doctor's voice held an intrigued note, his curiosity piqued.

"We initially thought it was one person responsible for the killings," I explained, the memory of our mission unfolding before my eyes. My voice quivered with distress and determination as I delved into the details. "However, it turned out there were two culprits involved. I managed to subdue the one with a scorpion Quirk, while Mirko dealt with the individual possessing a snake Quirk. But she might've incapacitated him too early or not quite effectively, as he regained consciousness and made a move to attack one of the officers." A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I continued, "The next thing I remember is running towards them, and then... everything is just a chaotic blur. And I mean that quite literally."

The doctor's gaze bore into me, his eyes filled with concern. "Do you recall getting bit?" he asked, his tone gentle yet firm.

I hesitated for a moment, the memory of the nasty bite sending a shiver down my spine. "Yes," I replied after what felt like an eternity, my voice low and heavy with the weight of the experience. The sensation of fangs sinking into my flesh was still too fresh; the pain etched vividly in my mind.

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