12 - Pre-Sports Festival Training

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-3rd Person POV-

"You both know how the sports festival is set up, right?" All Might asked the two boys as he walked back to the couch.

"Students are separated by class year," Tatsuya began, his voice carrying the weight of familiarity with the event's structure, "and then the support, business, general studies, and hero courses all compete against each other in a bunch of preliminary trials." He paused, reflecting on the intricate web of competition that awaited. "Whoever makes it through the games moves on to the finals," he continued, his tone resonating with a mix of excitement and determination, "where they all fight each other in brackets until one person remains standing."

"It's basically a big round-robin tournament," Izuku interjected, his voice carrying a hint of eagerness tempered with a touch of apprehension.

"Right!" All Might affirmed, his words resonating with an air of wisdom and experience. He fixed them with a serious look, his gaze a beacon of guidance amidst the uncertainty of the upcoming challenges. "Meaning, you'll have plenty of opportunities to sell yourselves," he continued, his tone shifting to one of encouragement and empowerment.

"I guess," Izuku replied, a furrow forming on his brow, betraying his perplexed mind. His gaze wandered aimlessly, detached from his teacher's explanation as if lost in the labyrinth of his thoughts.

Not expecting that kind of reaction, All Might stumbled backward and crashed onto the floor, the couch tumbling down with him in a comical display of disarray. Meanwhile, Tatsuya stood there, his countenance a canvas of deadpanned expression, his eyes fixed on the chaotic scene unfolding before him. A tinge of amusement lurked beneath his stoic front as he observed the spectacle with a mix of bemusement and detachment.

"I'm sorry! I mean, what you're saying is absolutely correct, All Might!" Izuku blurted in a panic, his words tumbling out in a rush of anxiety and self-doubt. "But honestly, it's kind of hard to get excited about this after everything that just happened at the USJ. Plus, I've already got the world's greatest hero teaching me, so the festival probably isn't my only hope of getting scouted by an agency. Besides, I don't know that I can stand out right now, considering I did so horribly on the fitness tests and can't control One for All very well—" His muttering session got interrupted by Tatsuya as he chopped the back of his head, the sudden motion punctuating the air with a swift, decisive sound.

"I know you like to say nonsense sometimes, but seriously, stop it," Tatsuya said with a deadpan expression, his voice carrying a note of exasperation tinged with concern.

"Nonsense?" Izuku asked with a hint of a whine as he rubbed his head, his expression a mix of perplexity and mild discomfort.

"Some heroes aim for the top, while others settle. The difference in mindset greatly impacts how far you go in the real world," All Might said, his voice carrying the weight of hard-earned wisdom even as blood trickled from his mouth, a stark reminder of the battles he had faced. Propped on the floor, his presence commanded attention, his words resonating with a depth born of experience. "I understand your feelings and might be projecting myself onto you. Remember the emotions you felt at the beach during our training," he added, his gaze holding theirs with a piercing intensity, leaving them with a lingering sense of introspection.


-Tatsuya's POV-

After lunch, Izuku and I returned to class to continue our day. But honestly, I wasn't focused on the lesson at the moment as I was thinking back to the USJ incident. Despite what Aizawa said about security being beefed up for the sports festival, I can't help but worry that the villains will be ready for round two.

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