25 - Ready or Not: The Final Exam Approaches

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-3rd Person POV-

In the heart of the studio, where the hum of technical equipment blended with the anticipatory murmurs of the live audience, the charismatic host took center stage. A polished professional, exuding confidence and charm, prepared to guide the viewers through a riveting broadcast conversation.

"Welcome back to our live show. For our next topic, is it really necessary for heroes to dress sexily? Let's ask our very special studio guests what they think."

The studio lights dimmed momentarily, creating suspense before illuminating the stage with a warm glow. The host continued with theatrical flair, "She's the rookie hero who debuted just this year. It's Mt. Lady!"

As the audience erupted in applause, the stage curtain gracefully ascended, revealing the rookie heroine standing center stage, her presence commanding attention. Dressed in her purple and pale tan-colored skintight bodysuit, Mt. Lady acknowledged the ovation with a wave and a twinkle in her eyes.

"And she's a pro who's currently teaching at U.A. High School, the incomparable Midnight!"

The stage lights shifted, spotlighting the entrance as Midnight stepped forward to a chorus of applause. Clad in her dominatrix-esque costume, she acknowledged the audience with an alluring wink, her left arm positioned behind her back in a display of confident vanity.

"Thank you so much for joining us!" the host said as the heroines took their designated seats. "Let's start with you, Midnight. When you first debuted, your revealing outfit caused quite a stir. In fact, it eventually led to the 'Regulations for Exposed Skin in Costumes' bill being taken before the legislature. You're a hero whose sexiness changed the very laws of the country."

"Her costume's still pretty racy," Mt. Lady commented in a sing-song voice, earning a look from Midnight before the latter brushed it off.

"Now I rely on ultra-thin fabrics," Midnight replied, her voice carrying a hint of practicality. "Because of the nature of some people's Quirks, clothing can restrict their abilities. Sexiness isn't just an aesthetic; it's sometimes needed so we can do our jobs well. Besides, what's more attractive than a hero who can get the job done quickly?"

"I think you just like the attention," Mt. Lady said tauntingly.

"What's with you, Lady? Are you trying to start a fight?" Midnight retorted, a small tick mark forming on her forehead as the host gestured for the heroines to calm down.

"Of course not! I look up to you! Despite the scar on your face, I think you're amazing!" Mt. Lady defended, her voice trailing off before she looked away, her expression deadpan. "For someone of your age."

"You can act like the blushing ingénue all you want, but you're not that young yourself, you know," Midnight countered, abruptly standing up as her anger rose.

"All I'm saying is if the older pros try too hard, then the rest of us have to go even further!" Mt. Lady proclaimed.

The exchange between the two heroines escalated, the tension in the studio palpable. The host's attempts to mediate seemed futile as the atmosphere crackled with the clash of opinions.

Tatsuya watched the heated exchange unfold on the television screen in a distant living room with a slightly unamused expression. His eyes followed the on-screen drama, the corners of his mouth hinting at a subtle indifference. The charismatic banter of the heroines played out before him, a fleeting moment of entertainment that failed to elicit more than a mild reaction in his surroundings.

"I knew there was something I didn't like about that woman," he sighed, his dissatisfaction evident as he changed the channel, leaving behind the on-screen heroines' banter. He then placed the remote next to Inko, who was comfortably seated on the couch.

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