OVA: Training of the Dead

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-Tatsuya's POV-

The internships had concluded, but the ebb and flow of teenage life surged onward, propelling us back into the familiar school routine. Final exams loomed on the horizon, merely one week away, yet the ceaseless pursuit of knowledge pressed on. Today unfolded much like any other, its veneer of normalcy belying the subtle undercurrent of anticipation. Unbeknownst to us, the day promised unique encounters with special guests from distant hero schools.

"It's a little sudden, but for our next training exercise, four hero-class students from Isami Academy will be joining us as special guests," Mr. Aizawa announced, punctuated by a nod toward four figures donned in distinctive blue uniforms, positioned beside the podium. One hid behind a classmate, giving off a peculiar smell best described as a foul-smelling musk, but she might be feeling a little shy.

"Please treat them with respect," he added with an instructive and cautionary tone. As his words hung in the air, the rest of the class erupted into cheers, a cacophony of excitement that echoed through the room.

"She's a glasses girl!" Mineta's exclamation cut through the cheers, his enthusiasm reaching an almost comical intensity. With unrestrained fervor, he clutched Izuku by the shoulders, shaking him vigorously from side to side as if trying to share his overwhelming joy.

"You're too excited, Mineta," I thought, giving the grape head a deadpanned look.

"Hey, pretty lady, can I have your phone number?" Kaminari innocently and energetically inquired, directing his attention toward the girl with white hair and glasses. However, rather than providing a straightforward response, she opted for a tactical retreat, gracefully and intentionally backing away from the lively exchange, her movements conveying a blend of caution and amusement.

A sudden and unexpected intervention unfolded as Jiro's earphone jack extended with precision, seamlessly plugging itself into Kaminari's ear and delivering a mild shock. The room crackled with a momentary burst of energy, drawing attention to the swift and unamused response that disrupted Kaminari's flirtatious endeavor.

"Stop showing your stupidity," Jiro deadpanned, her head resting in her hand as the earphone jack retracted with an air of nonchalance. The atmosphere in the room shifted, with Kirishima and Sero finding the entire exchange amusing. Their laughter served as a harmonious backdrop to the ongoing antics, contributing to the lively spirit of the moment.

A slight grin crept onto my face, a brief surrender to shared amusement with my classmates. However, the fleeting levity abruptly rescinded as Mr. Aizawa's hair stood on end from the activation of his Quirk, casting an almost eerie hush over the room. The sudden transition hinted at an impending announcement or a redirection of focus, introducing an air of anticipation and curiosity into the classroom.

"Introduce yourselves," Mr. Aizawa's directive, issued in his signature deadpan, cut through the silence, prompting the periwinkle-haired girl to step forward.

Her presence exuded a quiet confidence as she spoke, "O-Of course. We'll be running the exercise with you today. I'm Kashiko Sekigai from the hero course at Isamu Academy." An uncanny familiarity in her demeanor reminded me of Yaoyorozu in a way, as if they were both very responsible people.

"Same class. I'm Dadan Tadan," a boy with light chestnut hair followed suit, a nervous energy palpable in his demeanor. He wiped away beads of sweat on his forehead before bowing with practiced courtesy. "Pleasure to meet you." The controlled nervousness mirrored Izuku's first day at U.A., though Tadan's composure revealed a more measured approach to social interactions.

"I'm Fujimi," the boy with desaturated bluish-gray hair curtly said, glaring at us before casting a sharp look in Bakugo's direction. The scent accompanying his demeanor hinted at patronizing superiority, like another version of the Pomeranian. I need to keep an eye on those two.

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