(S3) 28 - Poolside Reflections

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-Tatsuya's POV-

As our first semester at U.A. drew to a close and summer vacation beckoned, my classmates and I found ourselves propelled into a whirlwind of preparations for the upcoming training camp. With the prospect of rigorous challenges looming on the horizon, Izuku and I were determined to seize every opportunity to hone our skills and strengthen our resolve.

Within the confines of Izuku's room, the resonant voice of All Might reverberated from his laptop speakers, punctuating the air with the echoes of heroism. As he diligently engaged in his workout regimen, the iconic debut video served as a steadfast source of inspiration, infusing each repetition with a fervent determination to emulate his idol. Though I couldn't help but find Izuku's choice of motivation peculiar, I was in no position to judge his admiration of All Might.

Meanwhile, the rhythmic pulse of music filled my bedroom as I immersed myself in a grueling session of crunches on the polished wooden floor. With each flex of my abdominal muscles, I pushed myself to the limit, channeling the relentless beat of the music into my exertions.

Yet, amidst the fervor of my workout, the sudden interruption of the doorbell shattered the tranquility, drawing my attention away from the task at hand. Puzzled by the unexpected visitor, I paused mid-crunch, a furrow forming on my brow as I pondered the reason behind their unanticipated arrival.

Stepping out of the confines of my bedroom, I found Izuku emerging from his own sanctuary in tandem, mirroring my curiosity. "Were you expecting anybody?" I asked, the hint of uncertainty lacing my voice as I glanced at him.

Izuku's response was a simple shake of his head, his brows furrowing in a gesture of bewilderment. "No, not at all. Do you?" he inquired in return.

I shook my head in tandem with Izuku's response, yet beneath the surface of our shared denial, a ripple of unease stirred within me. Despite our attempts to rationalize the unexpected visitor as a mere solicitor, my instincts refused to be placated, the whisper of apprehension growing louder with each passing second. Ignoring the flutter of nerves in my chest, I quickened my pace, my steps echoing with purpose as I hastened towards the front door, a sense of urgency propelling me forward.

"H-hey, Tatsuya, let's calm down a moment!" Izuku called out, his footsteps hastening to match my own. "It could be a solicitor, for all we know!"

For a fleeting moment, I entertained the notion that Izuku might be right, that perhaps our visitor was nothing more than an innocuous stranger. Yet, despite my attempt to rationalize the situation, the gnawing sense of foreboding persisted, casting a shadow over my thoughts. "Doesn't mean it could be trouble," I conceded, though the edge of my tone betrayed the underlying tension that gripped my senses.

As my hand hovered over the doorknob, a flicker of recognition danced through my mind, an elusive whisper of familiarity that set my senses on high alert. "Hold on..." I trailed off, my senses sharpening as I detected the faint traces of familiar scents lingering in the air.

With a sense of cautious curiosity, I withdrew my extended claws, a silent acknowledgment of the unexpected turn of events. Bracing myself for what awaited, I swung open the door, revealing the unforeseen figures of Kaminari and Mineta standing on the threshold.

"Kaminari? Mineta?" I echoed, my voice tinged with a mixture of surprise and curiosity.

"Akiba? What are you doing here?" Kaminari's voice rang out, laced with genuine astonishment.

"I live here. What are you two doing here?" I countered, raising an eyebrow inquisitively as I awaited their response.

"We're looking for—" Mineta began, his words trailing off as Izuku approached, his arrival interrupting the flow of conversation.

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