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I don't remember the last time I wore a female clothing, I've always worn a male's clothing because of my father's mistake.

He wants 100 slaves by the time I turn 18, and since my dad owes him a huge amount of money. My dad has to sacrifice his eldest in order to be payed.

I'm the only girl in my family.. and that man.. that man is a heartless Emperor who scares every single people in my village.

"Y/n, help your younger brother with the woods." My dad ordered, as I was busy cooking some stew for us.

I was dressed in a male's clothing, with my hair always cut in a man's hairstyle. Because my father is afraid that that man will take me away, so he made everyone think that I'm a male.

"Nee-san, I can't carry all of this." My little brother whines as he sat on the ground, not wanting to lift any of the heavy woods in front of him.

"Nee-san? Y/b/n.. I never knew we have another sibling?" I chuckled, teasing him as I have my hands on my hips.

"Oops! Nii-san, help me carry all of this." He corrected, giggling with his mistake.

I nodded my head, helping him carry the heavy ones as he carry those small ones that his strength can handle.

Not even going to lie, pretending to be a male was never easy. My voice and my name never changed, people just think that I'm one of those feminine boys like the other guys at my age.

Anyway, me and my brother walked our way inside our house to put these woods for tonight. It's always cold during night so we need a lot of woods to heat up the place.

But before we could even do that, we were interrupted by the chaos of people running outside their homes and bowing to the ground in front of their fences.

"Hanma-sama, he's here!"

As soon as we heard that, me and my brother, along with my father immediately set aside what we're doing as we ran towards the front of our house, doing exactly what the others were doing.

I was breathing heavily as I had my head to the ground, I was nervous, because this is the year where he's going to collect those 100 slaves of his..

Basically from those people who owes him money, their daughters are the payment for their family's freedom under him.

Later on, I heard heavy footsteps. I never had a courage to look at him whenever he comes around. I'm scared of him, because of what my father has said about him.

"All of those 100 girls picked by the Emperor, step out of your homes and follow us to the castle!"

That's his spokesman, I never heard the Emperor's voice. It's always the spokesman who speak for him.

I got a chance to take a peek of these ladies coming out of their houses, I lifted my head a little bit, just to see them with this worried expression written all over their faces.

I feel so bad for them, I could never imagine myself being one of them if I didn't sacrifice pretending to be a male all of my life.

I don't want to be a slave, especially to this heartless man who did nothing but to put burden on top of everyone's shoulder.

The last Emperor sure made a mistake of passing the title to him instead of his other child. Look what happened to us now, we are all slaves.


I flinched when I heard a unfamiliar voice, it was deep and terrifying that made me froze to my spot.

"The Emperor is talking to you!" His spokesman yelled, walking towards me as he pulled me using my collar.

This made me stand up and saw their faces for the first time. I was terrified being held by his spokesman, but I was more terrified when I saw the Emperor... the rumors are true..

He always had a hood on.

"Y-yes.. what can I do for you, my lord." I almost choked on my own saliva due to the fear I suddenly felt the moment I was held by his spokesman.

"He's coming with us." The Emperor said, before turning his back, ready to leave the place all at once.

That's the time when his spokesman released me as I fell to the ground, I was trembling.. did I blew up my cover.

"You heard what the Emperor said, if you disobey his order.. you and your family will be killed."

Those were the last words I heard before they all started marching back to the castle, with those 100 girls walking and being guarded.

My father immediately hugged me as soon as they were gone, I can feel his hands shake as he huges me tight.

"Let's just all die together." He said, his words are trembling. "I don't want you to step inside that hell, Y/n!"

This made me tear up, I didn't have a single clue why I was also invited. The Emperor called me a 'he' which means he never suspected anything..

"No, father.. my brother is too young for that. If I'm going to die, then let's just accept the fate. I don't want you guys dying with me." I responded, hugging him back.

"I refuse so! You're not going-"

"Father, this is my fate.. please, let me go."

I don't want them to die, I love them so much that I couldn't imagine them being gone in this world because of me.

"Onee-san, please don't go!" My little brother came hugging me by my waist as he started crying.

"The Emperor will not kill me, you'll see.. I'll be back alive and well.."

I hope..

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